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Index of Secretary of State Wills Transcribed by Frank Bell Entries are sorted alphabetically. As I understand, prior to the revolution wills and estate records were filed with the Secretary of State office. These wills are not to be found in county records, but the original wills are found at the NC State Archives
A Abercrombie, Hannah........1754 Pasquotank Abington, Joseph...........1735 Currituck Abington, Thomas...........1707 Pasquotank Adams, Abraham.............1734 Bath Adams, Abraham, Sr.........1734 Bath Adams, Charles.............1757 Craven Adams, John................1734 Bath Adams, John................1750 Craven Adams, Margaret............1773 Craven Adams, Peter...............1746 Chowan Addison, Richard...........1724 Chowan Addoms, Mathew.............1708 Albemarle Ahier, John................1746 Onslow Alberson, Mary.............1720-21 Perquimans Albertson, Albert..........1702 Perquimans Albertson, Joshua..........1753 Perquimans Albertson, Nathaniel.......1752 Perquimans Alderson, Simon............1740 Beaufort Aldridge, John.............1705 Bath Alexander, Anthony.........1741 Tyrrell Alford, Jabez..............1706 Albemarle Allbertson, Isaac..........1759 Pasquotank Allday, Thomas.............1754 Bertie Allen (Allin), John........1735 Bertie Allen, James..............1733 Edgecombe Allen, Andrew..............1762 Craven Allen, Eleazar.............1742 New Hanover Allen, Hugh................1752 Chowan Allen, James...............1782 Montgomery Allen, Sarah...............1761 New Hanover Allford, Joseph............1689 Albemarle Alligood, Richard..........1752 Beaufort Alston, John...............1758 Chowan Ambler, William............1745 Perquimans Ambros, David..............1745 Chowan Anderson, Carolus..........1753 Northampton Anderson, Elisabeth........1760 Perquimans Anderson, Elizabeth........1733 Bertie Anderson, George...........1758 Granville Anderson, James............1742 Perquimans Anderson, John.............1745 Perquimans Anderson, Joseph...........1750 Chowan Anderson, Joseph...........1751 Perquimans Andrews, John..............1756 Rowan Andrews, Warren.............1774 Tyrrell Andros, Thomas.............1737 Bertie Aneline, Peter.............1710 No County Given Ansell, James..............1740 Currituck Ansell, John (of Netsiland).1755 Currituck Ansley, Solomon............1750 Tyrrell Arenton, Christopher.......1753 Chowan Arenton, William ...........1761 Craven Armor, William.............1719 Pasquotank Armour, John...............1729 Pasquotank Armstrong, Jeams...........1685 No County Given Armstrong, John............1755 Currituck Arnold (Arnell), John......1735 Perquimans Arnold (Arnell), Lawrence..1694 Albemarle Arnold, (Arnell), Edward...1752 Chowan Arnold, John...............1724 Perquimans Arnold, Joseph............1752 Perquimans Arrington, William........1752 Northampton Arenton,William...........1761 Craven Arther, John..............1735 Chowan Arthor, John..............1751 Craven Ashe, John Baptista.......1734 Bath Ashley, John..............1759 Anson Avent, Thomas.............1752 Northampton Averitt, Nathaniel........1755 Onslow Avery, John...............1740 Hyde B Baggett, Nicholas..........1755 Bertie Bagley, Thomas.............1727 Perquimans Bailey, David..............1746 Pasquotank Bailey, Joseph.............1749 Pasquotank Baily, John................1758 Hyde Baker, John................1756 Bertie Baker, Moses...............1724 Chowan Balch, Joseph..............1753 Craven Baley, John................1716 Chowan Ball, James................1749 Carteret Ball, Thomas...............1722 Chowan Ballantine, George.........1724 County Not Given Ballard, Abraham...........1754 Perquimans Ballard, John..............1736 Chowan Ballard, Joseph, Senr......1729 Albemarle Bangs, Abiah...............1755 Craven Bangs, Jonathan............1743 Craven Banks, William.............1772 Craven Baptist, Benjamin..........1752 Chowan Barcl;ift, William.........1733 Albemarle Barclift, John.............1759 Perquimans Barclift, Joshua...........1756 Perquimans Barclift, Thomas...........1750 Perquimans Barclift, William..........1748 Perquimans Barcock, William...........1731 Pasquotank Barecock, Thomas...........1721-22 Pasquotank Barfield, John.............1742-43 Onslow Barfield, Richard..........1728 Bertie Barfield, Richard..........1755 Duplin Barlow, Robert.............1752 Hyde Barns, Joseph..............1751 Northampton Barns, Joseph..............1755 Onslow Barnsfield, Ann............1721 Pasquotank Baros, Moses...............1733-34 Bath Barrow, Edmund.............1750 Northampton Barrow, James..............1718 Chowan Barrow, John...............1719 Perquimans Barrow, John...............1742 Perquimans Barrow, John...............1748 Hyde Barrow, John, Senr.........1718 Perquimans Barrow, Joseph.............1752 Beaufort Barrow, Joseph.............1755 Perquimans Barrow, Joseph, Jr.........1753 Perquimans Barrow, Rebekah............1722 Perquimans Barrow, William............1716 Hyde Barrow, William............1746 Hyde Barrow, William............1758 Edgecombe Barry, William.............1721 Bath Bartlett, William..........1694 Albemarle Barton, Vallentin..........1686 Albemarle Bartram, Elizabeth.........1772 Bladen Bass, Edward...............1750 Northampton Bass, John.................1732 Bertie Bastable, William..........1728 Albemarle Batchelor, Edward..........1706 County Not Given Batchelor, Edward..........1777 Craven Bate, Henry Lawrence.......1740 County Not Given Bateman, John..............1750 Perquimans Bateman, Jonathan..........1694-95 Albemarle Bateman, William...........1704 Currituck Batters, Thomas............1734 County Not Given Battle, John...............1740 Bertie Bayard, John...............1716 Chowan Bayer, Edward..............1696 Chowan Beard (Baird, Biard),Richard.1692 County Not Given Beasley, Frances...........1719 Albemarle Beasley, James.............1719 Albemarle Beasley, Samuel............1736 County Not Given Becton, John...............1753 Craven Beels (Bealls), James......1722 Pasquotank Beels, Jacob...............1746 Pasquotank Beezly, Thomas.............1733 County Not Given Befret, Benjamin...........1753 New Hanover Bell, Cornelius............1729 Beaufort and Hyde Bell, Elizabeth............1750 Tyrrell Bell, George...............1752 Edgecombe Bell, George...............1755 Edgecombe Bell, John.................1721 Albemarle Bell, Joseph...............1745 Carteret Bell, Ross.................1727 Carteret Bell, Thomas...............1733 Albemarle Bell, Thomas...............1751 Chowan Bell, William..............1721 Currituck Bell, William..............1754 Edgecombe Bellman, John..............1706-07 Pasquotank Bellman, John..............1740 Perquimans Benbow, Gershon............1750 Bladen Benbury, William...........1755 Chowan Bender, Martin.............1750 Craven Benet, Edward..............1687 County Not Given Bennet, Nehemiah...........1753 Currituck Bennet, Solomon............1755 Currituck Bennit, Joseph.............1723 Albemarle Bently (Bentely), John.........1754 Tyrrell Bently, John...............1695 Perquimans Bently, John...............1741 Chowan Bently, John...............1754 Bertie Bently, Richard............1697 County Not Given Benton, John...............1750 Chowan Bergeron, Judeth...........1742 Beaufort Berry, Cornealus...........1752 Currituck Bevans, Richard............1744 Hyde Bevens, Mary...............1754 Hyde Beverly, John, Senr........1737 Bertie Bexley, William, Senr......1745 County Not Given Biddle, Jacob..............1758 Onslow Bird, Thomas...............1742 Bertie Birnie, William............1752 New Hanover Birote, Peter..............1743 Chowan Bishop, George.............1744 Onslow Black, Isaac...............1754 New Hanover Black, Michael.............1760 Craven Blackall, Abraham..........1749 Chowan Blackall, Sarah............1754 Chowan Blackledge, Richard.........1777/76 Craven Blackman, John.............1736 Bertie Blackman, Nicholas.........1730 Albemarle Blake, David ..............1715 Currituck Blaning, Hugh..............1752 Bladen Blanshard, Benjamin........1719 Nansimond Co., Va. Blanshard, Ephraim.........1749 Chowan Blichenden, Thomas.........1745 Perquimans Blin, Daniel...............1753 Beaufort Blish, John................1718 Pasquotank Blount, Benjamin...........1740 Tyrrell Blount, Edmund.............1754 Tyrrell Blount, Elizabeth..........1732 Chowan Blount, James..............1717 Chowan Blount, John...............1726 Chowan Blount, John...............1754 Chowan Blount, Thomas.............1701 & 1706 Albemarle Blye, William..............1749 Bertie Bobbit, John...............1736 Bertie Boge, Josiah...............1752 Perquimans Boge, William, Senr........1721 Perquimans Bogue, William.............1745 Perquimans Bond, John ................1749 Beaufort Bond, Lewis................1753 Chowan Bond, Richard..............1727 County Not Given Bond, Robert...............1738 Bath Bond, Samuel...............1723 Perquimans Bond, Vinyard..............1762 Beaufort Bond, William..............1757 Beaufort *Bonner, Henry.............1738 Chowan Bonner, John...............1754/53 Chowan/Bertie Bonner, Mary...............1750 Chowan Bonner, Mary...............1750 Chowan Bonner, Thomas.............1685 County Not Given Bonner, Thomas.............1756 Bertie Boon, Joseph...............1728 Bertie Boon, Nicholas.............No Date County Not Given Boone, James 1735 Bertie Booth, Gorge 1730 Currituck Booth, James 1738 County Not Given Booth, John 1752 Carteret Boozman, Ralph 1750 Perquimans Borden, William 1749 Carteret Boswell, George 1741 Perquimans Boswell, William 1734 Perquimans Bosworth, Joseph 1735 Bath Boude, John 1738 Bertie Bould, George 1745 Craven Bound, Richard 1721 Perquimans Boyce, Isaac 1751 Perquimans Boyce, John 1749 Perquimans Boyce, William 1693 Albemarle Boyce, William 1703 Perquimans Boyd, John 1738 Chowan Boyd, John 1742 Pasquotank Boyd, Thomas 1726 Bath Boyintone, Joseph 1738 Chowan Boykin, Edward 1743 Northampton Boykin, Thomas, Senr. 1750 Northampton Brack, George 1751 Onslow Braddy, James 1750 Chowan Bradford, Nathaniel 1757 Edgecombe Bradley, Richard 1756 Currituck Bradly, John 1753 Craven Brady, Joseph 1753 Chowan Branch, Francis 1739 County Not Given Branch, William 1721 Chowan Brand, Isabella 17-8 County Not Given Braske, Laurence 1687 Albemarle Braswell, Robert 1736 Bertie Bray, Henry 1745 Pasquotank Bray, William 1725 Albemarle Brent, James 1753 Currituck Brent, Thomas 1727 Currituck Brewer, George 1757 Northampton Brewer, Jane 1739 New Hanover Briant, Samuel 1717 Chowan Brice, William 1753 No County Given Brickell, James 1746 Beaufort Bridgen, Samuel 1758 New Hanover Bridgers, William 1729 Bertie Bridgers, William 1730 Bertie Bridgess, Samuel 1756 Northampton Brigers, William 1751 Johnston Briggs, Richard 1754 Chowan Bright, Henery 1739 Pasquotank Bright, Henry 1749 Currituck Bright, James 1735 Hyde Bright, Richard 1735 Currituck ?Beaufort? Bright, Richard 1740 Currituck Bright, Simon 1777 Dobbs Bright, Solomon 1755 Currituck Bright, William 1754 Craven Brockett, Benjamin 1758 Craven Brodrick, Thomas 1770 New Hanover Bromley, George 1728 Bertie Brooks, John 1708 Currituck Brothers, John 1735 Pasquotank Brothers, William 1711 Pasquotank Browm, Richard 1736 Bertie Brown, Francis 1750 Bertie Brown, James 1721 Currituck Brown, James 1750 Beaufort Brown, James 1774 Edgecombe Brown, John 1699 Pasquotank Brown, John 1759 Halifax Brown, Jonas 1743 Northampton Brown, Philip 1725 Bertie Brown, Thomas 1718 Chowan Brown, Thomas 1749 New Hanover Brown, William 1719 Chowan Brown, William 1751 Beaufort Browne, John 1718 Chowan Browne, Walter 1735 Bertie Browning, John 1733 Albemarle Bryan, Anne 1773 Craven Bryan, Edward 1746 County Not Given *Bryan, Hardy 1760 Craven Bryan, Simon 1753 Bertie Bryan, Thomas 1760 County Not Given/Craven Bryan, William 1747/46 Craven & Pamlico Bryant, James 1731 Bertie Bryant, John 1735 Edgecombe Bryant, William 1749 Edgecombe Buckley, Elenor 1705 Pasquotank Bugnion, Ralph 1754 New Hanover Bumpas, Job 1746 Johnston Bun, John 1727 Bertie Bundy, Anne 1744 Pasquotank Bundy, Benjamin 1728 Pasquotank Bundy, Caleb 1721 Pasquotank Bundy, Caleb, Junr. 1722 Pasquotank Bundy, David 1750 Perquimans Bundy, Samuel 1740 Pasquotank Bundy, William 1749 Perquimans Burges, Stephen 1730 County Not Given Burges, Stephen 1736 Pasquotank Burkett, John, Senr. 1728 Perquimans Burleigh, Robert 1757 New Hanover Burnap, John 1744 Onslow Burnby, John 1707 Pasquotank Burnby, Thomas 1687 Pasquotank Burnet, George 1753 Bertie Burnet, John 1704 Pasquotank Burnham, Esebel 1755 Currituck Burt, Mary 1724 Bertie Burtenshall, Richard 1743 Tyrrell Busbey, Cateran 1738 Bertie Bush, William, Senr. 1716 Chowan Butler, David 1749 Chowan Butler, Jacob 1745 Chowan Butler, John 1773 Tyrrell Buxton, Samuel 1743 Northampton Byrom, Thomas 1709/10 Pasquotank C Cain (Cane), Hardy 1755 Edgecombe Cain, John 1757 Edgecombe Cain, William, Senr. 1734 Bertie Caldwell, Robert 1750 Bladen Callaway, Caleb 1706 Perquimans Callaway, Joshua 1742 Perquimans Calley (Kalley), Mathew 1699 Albemarle Camble, William, Senr. 1743 Beaufort Cambrill, Alexander 1726 Chowan Cambrill, Anne 1726 Chowan Camerlen, Daniell 1752 Northampton Campbell, Hugh 1737 County Not Given Campbell, James 1759 New Hanover Campbell, John 1770 New Hanover Canaday, Samuel 1728 County Not Given Canady, Richard 1749 Tyrrell Canlape, Michael 1743 Craven Cannings, Joseph 1729 Albemarle Cannon, Edward 1729 Beaufort Capps, Dennis 1749 Currituck Car, Patrick 1742 Bertie Carleton, Arthur 1719 Chowan Carman, William 1727 County Not Given Carr, William 1754 Duplin Carraway, James 1773 Craven Carruthers, John 1752 Craven Carruthers, Nathaniel 1750 Perquimans Carruthers, Robert 1758 Craven Carter, Ann 1770 Onslow Carter, Henry 1735 Beaufort Cartright, William 1730 Chowan Cartright, William 1734 Pasquotank Cartwright, Grace 1729 Pasquotank Cartwright, John 1714 Pasquotank Cartwright, Robert 1746 Pasquotank Cartwright, Thomas 1707 Pasquotank Caruthers, John 1752 Perquimans Carver, James 1753 Bladen Carver, James, Senr. 1739 Bladen Carver, Samuel 1758 Bladen Castellaw, William 1749 Bertie Caswell (Casewell), Matthew 1754 Tyrrell Caswell, Richard 1790 Dobbs Cavenah, Charles 1757 Edgecombe Cawdrey, Thomas 1748 Craven Cearsie, Thomas 1731 Bertie Celley (Kelley), Smith 1734 Perquimans Chadwick, Samuel 1749 Carteret Chalkhill, John 1758 New Hanover Chamberlen, John 1753 Pasquotank Chambers, Edmond 1693 Pasquotank Champen, John 1751 Chowan Champion, Edward 1718 Chowan Champion, Orlando 1744 Chowan Chancey, Edmund 1753 Pasquotank Chancy, William 1749 Pasquotank Chancy, William, Junr. 1736 County Not Given Chapman, Charles 1753 Northampton Chapman, John 1770 Carteret Chapman, Mary 1729 Pasquotank Chappel, Richard 1735 Chowan Charles, Daniell 1687 County Not Given Charles, Hannah 1752 Perquimans Charles, Jeane 1688 Perquimans Charles, John No Date County Not Given Charles, Samuel 1728 Perquimans Charles, William 1687 County Not Given Charlton, John 1736 Chowan Cheasten, Richard 1715 Perquimans Cheek, Richard 1745 Beaufort Cherry, Lemuel 1754 Beaufort Chesen, John 1728 Bertie Cheson, James 1727 Perquimans Chesson, Anne 1727 Perquimans Chester, John 1733 County Not Given Chester, Samuel 1758 New Hanover Chew, Henry, Senr. 1758 Carteret Christian, Christopher 1783 Montgomery Church, Joseph 1723 Currituck Clapham, Joseph 1733 Bertie Clare, Hannah 1727 Pasquotank Clark, George 1724 Bertie Clark, John 1717 Perquimans Clark, Robert 1753 Edgecombe Clarke, John 1689 Albemarle Clarke, Thomas 1728 Bertie Clayton, Elisabeth 1737 Albemarle Clayton, Henry 1725 Albemarle Cleare, Timothy 1724 Perquimans Clemens(Clamons,Claments),George 1730 Bertie Clemet, John 1734 Bertie Clifford, Thomas 1735 New Hanover Cloase, George 1760 New Hanover Coen, Benjamin 1734 Pasquotank Coffine, Mary 1707 Perquimans Cogwell, Henry 1719 Perquimans Coker, Caleb 1748 Edgecombe Coker, Richard 1756 Beaufort Coleman, Robert 1722 Bath Coleman, William 1750 Anson Coleman, William 1752 Edgecombe Coles, James 1711 Perquimans Coleson, William 1736 Bertie Coller, Cornelious 1741 Beaufort Colley (Colly), Robert 1744 Craven Collings, William 1709 Pasquotank Collins, Charles 1738 Craven Collins, James 1730 Perquimans Collins, John 1750 Craven Collins, John 1752 Edgecombe Collins, Lucee 1730 County Not Given Collins, Richard 1701 Bath Collins, Uriah 1752 Hyde Collson, John 1736 Bertie Colton, John 1692 Albemarle Coltson, Mary 1732 County Not Given Comander, Joseph Mathew 1698 County Not Given Combs, Winnifitt 1750 Tyrrell Commander, Thomas 1739 Pasquotank Commander, Thomas 1742 Pasquotank Congilton, William 1755 Beaufort Conner, Andrew 1754 New Hanover Conner, Demsey 1754 Pasquotank Conner, John 1753 Pasquotank Connerly, John 1751 Johnston Conway, Mary 1774 Craven Cook, John 1696 County Not Given Cook, John 1745 Bertie Cook, Samuel 1757 Bertie Cook, William 1758 Northampton Cooper, Joseph 1754 Pasquotank Copeland, James 1752 Chowan Copeland, William 1724 County Not Given Copeland, William 1753 Chowan Corbett, Thomas 1693 Albemarle Corbin, Jean 1775 New Hanover Core, Thomas 1752 Northampton Corey, John, Senr. 1757 Pasquotank Corp, John 1718/19 County Not Given Corp, John 1753 Pasquotank Corprew, Thomas 1748 Chowan Corree, James 1754 Bertie Coste, Ephraim 1719 County Not Given Cotten, James 1758 Bertie Cotten, John 1728 Bertie Cotten, John 1742 Northampton Cotten, Samuel 1774 Northampton Cotten, Sarah 1754 Northampton Courtney, Robert 1751 Onslow Coward, John 1737 Bertie Cowell, Benjamin 1756 Currituck Cowen, Garrett 1721 Albemarle Cox, Charles 1759 Duplin Cox, Edward 1751 Currituck Cox, John 1743 Onslow Cox, Thomas 1743 Currituck Coxe, Robert 1730 County Not Given Cradock, Richard 1685 Pasquotank Craig, Richard 1696 County Not Given Cranford, William 1745 Onslow Craven, James 1755 Craven Crawford, William 1735 Chowan Cressey (Creasey), Levi 1734 Perquimans Cricket, John 1755 Bertie Crisp, Nicholas 1727 Chowan Crocker, Peter 1753 Edgecombe Crofton, Henry 1757 Beaufort Croker, Antony 1754 Granville Cromen, Martin 1733 Bertie Crompton, Henry 1735 Bertie Croney, Dinnis 1735 Pasquotank Cropley, John 1686 Albemarle Cropley, Vines 1719 Chowan Crosland, Elizabeth 1694 County Not Given Croslon, John 1694 Chowan Crossot, Joseph 1728 Carteret Crump, Joseph 1759 Northampton Cruse, Lawrence 1690 Albemarle Cunengain, Morris 1696 Albemarle Currer, John 1683 County Not Given D Dalrymple, John 1767 New Hanover Damerell, James 1704 Chowan Danbe, Daniel 1750 Edgecombe Daniel, Elisabeth 1752 Beaufort Daniel, John 1755 Northampton Daniel, Owen 1700 Chowan Daniel, Thomas 1749 Tyrrell Daniel, William 1740 Beaufort Dann, John, Senr. 1697 Albemarle Darden, Joseph 1733 Bertie Darling, Richard 1702 Chowan Darnall, Ann 1721 Currituck Daughtrey, Thomas 1757 Northampton Davenport, Jacob 1746 Tyrrell Davey, Walter 1743 Beaufort David, Philip 1747 New Hanover Davies, Francis 1753 County Not Given Davis, Aughtor (Arthur) 1735 County Not Given Davis, David 1741 Bladen Davis, Hugh 1724 County Not Given Davis, Isaac 1743 Currituck Davis, Jeams 1718 County Not Given Davis, John 1688 Albemarle Davis, John 1752 Hyde Davis, John 1753 Pasquotank Davis, John 1754 Pasquotank Davis, Peter 1723 Bertie Davis, Richard 1737 Perquimans Davis, Robert 1750 Pasquotank Davis, Samuel 1688 Albemarle Davis, Solomon 1739 Pasquotank Davis, Thomas 1714 Bath Davis, Thomas 1746 Perquimans *Davis, Thomas 1758 Granville Davis, Thomas 1769 Bladen Davis, William 1756 Carteret Davison, John 1756 Bertie Davison, John 1773 Chowan Dawe, William 1745 Beaufort Daws, William 1719 Chowan Dawson, John 1749 Edgecombe Deiptt, John 1724 Craven Delahoide, William 1738 New Hanover Delamare, Stephen 1732 Pasquotank Delemare, Francis 1741 Beaufort Deneham, Elizabeth 1716 Bath Denson, James 1756 Onslow Dept, Penelope 1735 County Not Given Derby, William 1688 County Not Given Derosset, Moses John 1768 New Hanover Devis, John 1754 Craven Dew, John 1744 Northampton Dexter, Hope 1746 Onslow Dias, Henry 1737 Bath Dickinson, John 1749 Northampton Dickinson, Mary 1753 Northampton Dickinson, Rebeckah 1753 Northampton Dicks, John 1706 Chowan Dickson, John 1769 Dobbs Discorah, Thomas 1726/27 Perquimans Dixon, John 1773 Beaufort Dixson, Robert, Senr. 1727 Bertie Dobbs, Arthur 1765 New Hanover Dobson, William 1690 Chowan Doleer, Gyles 1689 Albemarle Donoho, John 1743 New Hanover Dooles, Thomas 1757 Edgecombe Douge, Tull 1746 Currituck Doughty, John 1749 New Hanover Douglass, David 1753 Northampton Douglass, James 1752 Bertie Doway, Robert 1758 Bladen Downer, William 1745 New Hanover Downing, William 1739 County Not Given Downing, William 1748 Tyrrell Drake, John 1729 Bertie Dreding, John 1758 Craven Drinkwater, John 1718 Bath Dubois, John 1768 New Hanover Duckenfield, William 1721 Chowan Dudley, Christopher 1746 Onslow Dudley, Edward 1745 Craven Dudley, John 1751 Onslow Dudley, Thomas 1753 Carteret Dudley, Thomas 1757 Currituck Duggan, Thomas 1754 Tyrrell Dunbar, Dun 1747 Beaufort Duncan, Abraham 1751 Beaufort Duncan, Alexander 1768 New Hanover Dupee, Elias 1754 Craven Durant, Ann 1695 Albemarle Durant, George 1694 Albemarle Durant, George 1730 Albemarle Durant, Thomas 1734 Perquimans Durrance, Samuel 1756 Tyrrell Dwight, Matthew 1738 Chowan E Eadey, Henry 1750 Pasquotank Eagan, James 1738 Bladen Eagles, Richard 1755 New Hanover Eagles, Richard 1769 Brunswick Early, Elionor 1732 Albemarle Early, John, Senr. 1740 Bertie Eason, William 1736 Bertie Easter, Abraham 1751 Hyde Easter, John 1733 Hyde Easter, John 1752 Hyde Easter, Mary 1751 Hyde Eaton, James 1729 Chowan Eaton, William 1759 Granville Eborn, Henry 1732 Hyde Eborn, Littleton 1758 Hyde Eborn, Nathaniel 1754 Hyde Eborn, Rebeka 1758 Hyde Eburn, Elizabeth 1751 Hyde Eddmonds, Richard 1750 Northampton Edmonds, Samuel 1721 Chowan Edmondson, Joseph 1743 Craven Edny, Robert 1758 Pasquotank Edwards, Catherine 1755 Bladen Edwards, Edward 1758 Northampton Edwards, Henry 1758 Edgecombe Edwards, Isaac 1759 Northampton Edwards, John 1744 New Hanover Edy, John 1726 County Not Given Eggerton, James 1750 Perquimans Eldrige, William 1751 Northampton Eliot, Moses 1756 Perquimans Eliott, Charles 1757 Halifax Elks, John 1708 County Not Given Elks, Richard 1687 Albemarle Ellegood, Matthias 1774 Pasquotank Elleutt, George 1728 Pasquotank Elliot, Thomas 1729 Perquimans Ellis, George 1720 Pasquotank Ellis, Robert 1743 Northampton Ellise, Mary 1689 County Not Given Ellison, William 1737 New Hanover Ellot, Michael 1756 Orange Elton, Zachariah 1752 Perquimans Engel, Peter 1722 Craven English, Joseph 1744 Beaufort Ennet, Edmond 1735 County Not Given Eson, William 1719 Perquimans Espy, James 1739 New Hanover Etheredge, Henry 1743 Currituck Etheredge, Luke 1735 Currituck Etheridge, John 1744 Currituck Etheridge, Marmaduke 1734 Currituck Etheridge, Richard 1750 Currituck Etheridge, Solomon 1749 Currituck Eubank, George 1732 Bertie Evans, Barwell 1756 Beaufort Evans, Charles, Senr. 1759 Edgecombe Evans, Hunt 1729 Pasquotank Evans, John 1739 Chowan Evans, Mary 1723 Perquimans Evans, Richard 1693 Perquimans Evans, Richard 1753 Beaufort Evans, Robert 1758 Perquimans Evans, Thomas 1732 Chowan Evans, Thomas 1745 Tyrrell Evath, William 1758 Northampton Everett, John 1754 Tyrrell Everitt, Nathaniel 1749 Tyrrell Everton, Jeremiah 1740 Pasquotank Eyres, Richard 1685 County Not Given F Fagan, Enoch 1777 Tyrrell Falconar, John 1741 Chowan Falconar, Thomas 1756 Chowan Farlee, James 1727 Chowan Farlee, James 1750 Chowan Farr, Richard, Senr. 1758 Onslow Farrow, Francis 1723 Currituck Feare, Obadiah 1719 Pasquotank Feild, Richard 1744 Onslow Felthen, James 1726 Bertie Felts, Humphrey 1726 Perquimans Fendall, John 1696 Chowan Fendall, Robert 1711 Perquimans Fergeson, Adam 1715 Craven Ferguson, Mark 1751 Craven Feriel, Richard 1740 Pasquotank Ferril, William 1743 Currituck Fewax, James 1711/12 County Not Given Fields, James 1751 Perquimans Fillingham, John, Senr. 1773 Pitt Fillyan, John 1748 Craven Fipes (Feps), William 1754 Beaufort Fiqures, Bartholomew 1758 Northampton Fish, William 1751 Edgecombe Fisher, Randolph 1751 Craven Fitzgarold, John 1751 Johnston Fitzpatrick, Cornelius 1722 Albemarle Flanakin, Richard 1741 Beaufort Fleming, George 1694 Pasquotank Fleming, Rosannah 1758 Perquimans Fletcher, Curtis 1679 County Not Given Fletcher, Francis 1743 Pasquotank Fletcher, Ralph 1728 Perquimans Fletcher, Ralph 1752 Perquimans Fletcher, Thomas 1734 Chowan Flood, James 1736 County Not Given Flood, James 1750 Chowan Flovell, William 1737 New Hanover Floyd, John 1756 Northampton Flyn, Collumb 1737 Bath Fogg, Moses 1751 Craven Fonvielle, John 1773 Craven Foraster, James 1755 Orange Forbes, John, Senr. 1750 Pasquotank Forehand, Cornelius 1728 Pasquotank Foreman, John 1744 Hyde Foreman, John Tidings 1758 Hyde Fort, George 1719 Chowan Fort, John 1746 Craven Fort, John 1748 Johnston Fort, Richard 1746 Johnston Fortsen, Mary 1665 County Not Given Foscue, John 1752 Hyde Foscue, Simon 1751 Hyde Foster, Hannah 1728 Perquimans Foster, James 1727 County Not Given Foster, John 1754 Craven Foster, Robert 1740 Bertie Foster, William 1687 County Not Given Fourre, John 1732 Pasquotank Fourre, Peter 1697 Albemarle Fox, James 1755 Tyrrell Franck, John Martin 1744 Craven Fraser, Duncan 1773 Craven Frazer, Samuel 1772 Craven Frazier, John 1744 Carteret Frazor, David 1729 Chowan Freeman, George 1783 Richmond Freeman, John 1730 Chowan Freeman, John 1753 Beaufort *Freeman, William 1737 Chowan French, Richard 1716 Perquimans Freshwater, John 1753 Pasquotank Frost, William 1718 Chowan Fry, Thomas 1726 Bath Fryly, William 1737 Tyrrell Fullerton, Robert 1750 Chowan Furbish, Thomas 1732 Pasquotank Fussel, Thomas 1735 Bertie G Gad, James 1701 Pasquotank Gainer, Mary 1751 Edgecombe Gainer, Samuel 1752 Tyrrell Gainer, William 1750 Edgecombe Gale, Christopher 1734 Chowan Gale, Edmond 1738 Chowan Galland (Gallant), Mary 1766 New Hanover Gallaway, Thomas 1753 Chowan Galley, John 1729 Pasquotank Gambell, Adam 1694 County Not Given Gammidge, Francis 1737 Currituck Gardner, John 1749 Tyrrell Gardner, Martin 1760 Bertie Gardner, William 1754 Tyrrell Garfort, Gregory 1704 Perquimans Garner, John 1755 Northmpton Garret, John 1735 Currituck Garrett, Thomas 1734 Chowan Garrett, William 1735 Albemarle Gaskill, William 1703 Pasquotank Gaskins, Catrin 1755 Pasquotank Gaskins, Fisher 1758 Craven Gaskins, William 1711 Pasquotank Gatlin, Edward 1725/26 Craven/Pamlico George, David 1748 Pasquotank Gewin, Christopher 1749 Edgecombe Gibble, Dederick 1754 Carteret Gible, Dederick 1720 Pasquotank Gibson, Thomas 1762 Cumberland Giddins, Thomas 1747 Johnston Giddins, William 1758 Hyde Gilberd, Thomas 1720 Chowan Gilbert, Francis 1726 Bath Gilbirt, Josiah 1760 Perquimans Gilford, John 1743 Pasquotank Gillett, John 1749 Craven Gillett, John 1756 Carteret Gillyam, Thomas 1702 County Not Given Glaister, Joseph 1719 Pasquotank Glaister, Mary 1740 Pasquotank Glasco, Robert 1690 Chowan Glasgow, William 1747 Currituck Glin, Richard 1728 Chowan Glishan, John 1734 Bertie Glover, William 1754 Northampton Godby, Cary 1759 Onslow Godfrey, Francis 1675 Albemarle Godfrey, Matthew 1744 Craven Godfrey, Thomas 1749 Perquimans Godly, John 1732 Bertie Godwin, Nathan 1752 Beaufort Godwin, William 1753 Bertie Goffe, Arthur 1737 Craven Gomm, John 1754 Tyrrell Gonsolvo, Lawrance 1698 County Not Given Gorden, George 1748 Perquimans Gordon, John 1758 Perquimans Gordon, Nathaniel 1756 Perquimans Gordon, Patrick 1773 County Not Given Goreham, John 1717 Chowan Gormark, Patrick 1708 Pasquotank Gosbe, John 1693 County Not Given Gough, Thomas 1695 County Not Given Gourley, John 1747 Onslow Grainger, Caleb 1765 New Hanover Grainger, Joshua 1741 New Hanover Granbery, Samuel 1760 Craven Grange, John 1740 New Hanover Grant, Alexander 1738 Onslow Grant, William 1773 Dobbs Graves, Richard 1730 Craven/Pamlico Graves, Richard 1774 Craven Gray, Allen 1755 Onslow Gray, Ann 1732 Pasquotank Gray, Grifen 1684 County Not Given Gray, James 1758 Onslow Gray, John 1750 Bertie Gray, Richard 1729 Pasquotank Farnifold Green 1711 Bath Green, Jacob 1752 Chowan Green, John 1749 Bladen Green, Richard 1742 Chowan Green, Susannah 1735 Bath Gregory, Judith 1754 Pasquotank Gregory, Margaret 1753 Pasquotank Gregory, Richard 1758 Currituck Gregory, Samuel 1747 Chowan Gregory, Thomas 1740 Pasquotank Gregory, William 1752 Pasquotank Gregory, William 1753 Chowan Grice, Francis 1750 Johnston Grifen, Martin 1718 Chowan Grifen, Richard 1703 Chowan Griffeth, John 1727 Bertie Griffin, Edward 1754 Tyrrell Griffin, Epentus 1756 Tyrrell Griffin, James 1749 Chowan Griffin, William 1735 Bertie Griffon, William 1681 Carteret Griggs, Samuel 1750 Craven Grimes, Absalom 1757 Pasquotank Grist, Richard 1753 Beaufort Grosvenor, William 1702 Perquimans Guilliams, George 1747 Chowan Gumbs, Matthew 1754 Chowan Gunter, John 1725 Beaufort Gutan, Joseph 1770 Beaufort Guthrie, John 1750 Pasquotank Guy, William 1754 Perquimans H Hacklefield, John 1741 Chowan Hadley, Edward 1743 Hyde Haig, Mary 1719 Pasquotank Haig, William 1719 Pasquotank Haig, William 1735 Pasquotank Hakony, John 1673 Albemarle Hale, John 1736 Bertie Hall, Ann 1741 Perquimans Hall, Hizekiah 1734 Carteret Hall, Joseph 1748 Onslow Hall, Nathaniel 1734 Pasquotank Hall, William 1765 Bladen Halton, Robert 1749 Chowan Haman, Thomas 1721 Chowan Hambleton (Hamilton), Joseph 1737 County Not Given Hambleton, Jane 1734 Tyrrell Hambleton, John 1711 Nansemond (Virginia) Hamblin, Thomas 1758 Pasquotank Hamilton, John 1757 County Not Given Hamilton, John 1765 Bladen Hanby, John 1752 Perquimans Hancock, Hector 1751 Carteret Hand, Peter 1731 Craven Handcock, William 1731 Craven Handock, Elisebeth 1744 Craven Handworker, Daniel 1730 Perquimans Hannis, Joseph 1745 Craven Harbrett, Edward 1754 Craven Hardesty, Thomas 1758 Carteret Hardin, William 1748 Currituck Harding, Josiah 1756 Northampton Harding, Mary 1744 Perquimans Harding, Richard 1741 Perquimans Hardison, Jasper 1733 Albemarle Hardy, John 1719 Chowan Hardy, Richard 1758 New Hanover Hare, Edward 1757 Chowan Hare, Edward 1777 Craven Harkel, George 1746 Craven Harker, Elizabeth 1777 Carteret Harman, Caleb 1774 Perquimans Harman, Robert 1758 Perquimans Harrell, Abraham 1755 Bertie Harrell, Edward 1754 Bertie Harrell, John 1759 Bertie Harrell, John, Junr. 1756 Bertie Harrell, Josiah 1773 Bertie Harris, James 1749 Edgecombe Harris, John 1749 Craven Harris, Thomas 1749 Currituck Harrison, Daniel 1727 Chowan Harrison, Robert 1714 County Not Given Harrison, Vines 1738 Chowan Hart, John 1746 Northampton Hart, Mary 1751 Northampton *Hart, Thomas 1751 Northampton Hartley, Francis 1692 Albemarle Harvey, Dorothy 1682 Pasquotank Harvey, John 1759 Hyde Harvey, Richard 1733 County Not Given Harvey, Thomas 1699 Albemarle Harvey, Thomas 1729 Perquimans Harvey, Thomas 1748 Perquimans Harwood, Edward 1737 Onslow Haskins, Hannibal 1698 County Not Given Hassell, James 1785 New Hanover Hassell, John 1754 Tyrrell Hatch, Anthony 1726 Perquimans Hatch, Anthony 1744 Perquimans Hatch, Lemuel 1777 Craven Hath, Nehemiah 1750 Currituck Hatton, John 1698 Pasquotank Haughton, Charles 1754 Chowan Haughton, Richard 1748 Chowan Haughton, William 1752 Chowan Hausington, Benidictus 1730 Craven Hawkings, John 1717 Chowan Hawkins, John 1688 Albemarle Hawkins, John 1744 Perquimans Hawkins, Sarah 1722 Pasquotank Hawkins, Thomas 1732 Tyrrell Hawley, Mikell 1752 Northampton Hayman, Henry 1709 Albemarle Hayman, Henry 1727 Pasquotank Haywood, John 1758 Edgecombe Haywood, John, Junr. 1758 Edgecombe Heareson, John 1694 Albemarle Hearn, James 1752 Beaufort Hecklefield, John 1721 Chowan Hedges, Thomas 1746 New Hanover Henby, Joseph 1752 Perquimans Henderson, David 1735 Bertie Henderson, George 1736 Bertie Henderson, Herman 1728 Massachusetts Hendrick, Francis 1734 Craven Hendrick, Francis, Senr. 1714 Pasquotank Hendrick, Jeremiah 1756 Perquimans Hendricks, Solomon 1744 Perquimans Heneley, John 1747/48 Onslow Henley, John 1728 Pasquotank Henley, John 1754 Pasquotank Henley, Peter 1758 Chowan Herrenden, Hezekiah 1754 Bertie Herring, Samuel 1750 Johnston Herritage, William 1769 Craven Hibbs, Jonathan 1745 Pasquotank Hick, David 1732 Chowan Hicks, John 1749 Carteret Higgins, Michall 1753 Craven Hill, Benjamin 1753 Bertie Hill, George 1723 Bath Hill, Harman 1755 Beaufort Hill, John 1731 Bath Hill, John 1747 Northampton Hill, Moses 1746 Chowan Hill, Richard 1729 Craven Hill, Robert 1735/36 Tyrrell Hill, William 1748 Northampton Hill, William 1751 Chowan Hilliard, John 1748 Northampton Hilliard, Robert 1751 Edgecombe Hilliard, William 1756 Northampton Hilorey, Samuel 1713 Bath Hinton, John 1732 Chowan Hinton, Micajah 1757 Bertie Hobby, Jacob 1758 Edgecombe Hobs, John 1729 Pasquotank Hockings, John 1756 Duplin Hodges, James 1722 Hodges, James 1758 Pasquotank Hodges, Richard 1749 Currituck Hodges, Richard 1752 Anson Hodgson, John 1738 New Hanover Hog, Richard 1769 Bladen Hogbin, William 1692 Albemarle Hogges, Robert 1742 Bertie Holladay, Thomas 1744 Chowan Holladay, William 1754 Tyrrell Holland, Daniel 1771 Craven Hollbrook, John 1740 Bertie Hollery, Samuel 1713 County Not Given Hollis, James 1735 Tyrrell Holloway, Thomas 1750 Perquimans Hollowell, Edmund 1729 Perquimans Hollowell, Luke 1736 Perquimans Hollowell, Rubin 1753 Perquimans Holly, John 1728 Bertie Holmes, Ebenezer 1746 Onslow Holmes, John 1736 Edgecombe Homes, Edward 1702 Perquimans Homes, Edward 1750 Bertie Hook, John 1734 County Not Given Hooker, Godphrey 1729 Bertie Hooker, William 1717 Chowan Hooker, William 1757 Bertie Hooks, William 1751 Chowan Hopkins, James 1759 Orange Hopkins, John 1721 Albemarle Hopkins, John 1754 Chowan Horn, William 1753 County Not Given Hosea, Abram 1773 Pasquotank Hosea, Joseph 1753 Perquimans Hosea, Robert 1742 Perquimans Hoskins, Thomas 1734 Chowan Hoskins, William 1693 Albemarle Hosmer, Hannah 1773 Onslow Houghton, James 1758 Perquimans Houghton, Thomas 1743 Chowan Houghton, William 1745 Chowan Houlbrooke, Farmannes 1684 Albemarle House, George 1771 Bertie House, Thomas 1733 Chowan Houston, Moses 1774 Carteret Houston, Thomas 1733 Onslow Houston, William 1761 Brunswick Hover, John Jacob 1744 Craven Howard, Charles 1754 Craven Howard, James 1729 Bertie Howcott, Edward 1750 Beaufort Howcott, John 1733 Bertie Howell, Joseph 1750 Edgecombe Howson, William 1715 Bath Hubbard, Rane 1714 County Not Given huckins, Daniel 1733 Craven Hudde, Christopher 1714 Bath Hudson, Joseph 1745 Tyrrell Huggens, Ann 1746 Onslow Huggins, Edmond 1737 Onslow Huggins, John 1745 Johnston Hull, John 1752 Chowan Humes, James 1745 Beaufort Humphrey, Joseph 1752 Bladen Humphries, Ritchard 1689 Albemarle Humphry, John 1708 Pasquotank Hunt, John 1710 County Not Given Hunt, Joseph 1782 Montgomery Hunt, Thomas 1696 Pasquotank Hunter, Ann 1751 Chowan Hunter, Isaac 1753 Chowan Hunter, John 1756 Pennsylvania Hunter, Nicholas 1749 Carteret Hunter, Robert 1753 Bertie Hunter, William 1732 Chowan Hunter, William 1750 Chowan Hurdle, Benjamin 1735 Perquimans Hurley, Timothy 1783 Richmond Husbands, Richard 1732 County Not Given Hutson, William 1739 Craven Hyrne, Henry 1773 New Hanover I Ilands, Richard 1735 Currituck Ingram, Abraham 1744 Onslow Innes, James 1759 New Hanover Irby, Henry 1734 New Hanover Irving, Robert 1737 Currituck Isham, James 1753 Duplin Isler, Christian 1747 Craven Ismay, John 1732 Chowan Ives, John 1752 Craven Ives, Thomas 1751 Currituck J Jackson, Daniel 1737 Pasquotank Jackson, David 1716 Albemarle Jackson, Isaac 1717 Bath Jackson, John 1728 Beaufort 1732?? Jackson, Robert 1757 Chowan Jackson, Samuel 1748 Pasquotank Jackson, Samuel 1750 Pasquotank Jackson, Thomas 1753 Bertie Jackson, William, Junr. 1735 Perquimans Jackson, William, Senr. 1697 Albemarle Jackson, Zacharias 1749 Pasquotank Jacob, Isaac 1714 Currituck Jaecokes, Thomas 1692 County Not Given James, Edward 1721 Pasquotank James, William 1733 Pasquotank James, William 1757 Pasquotank Jannet, John 1749 Tyrrell Jarman, Thomas 1760 Onslow Jarott, John 1745 Carteret Jarvis, Foster 1750 Currituck Jasper, Samuel 1753 Hyde Jeffreys, Elizabeth 1742 Northampton Jeffreys,Christopher 1736 Perquimans Jenings, William 1687 County Not Given Jenins, John 1751 Pasquotank Jenkins, Charles 1773 Hertford Jennett, Abraham 1742 Perquimans Jennett, John 1749 Tyrrell Jennings, Thomas 1744 New Hanover Jennings, William 1729 Currituck Jennins, Mary 1729 Currituck Jenoure, Joseph 1732 County Not Given Jernagan, John 1733 Bertie Jernigin, Henry 1736 Bertie Jesper, Richard 1722 Hyde Jessop, Joseph 1735 Perquimans Jevins, Elizabeth 1735 Pasquotank Jevins, John 1735 Pasquotank Jewel, Thomas 1735 Beaufort Jewell, John 1744 Beaufort Joanes, John 1736 Chowan Johnes, Arthur 1750 Bladen Johnson, James 1694 Albemarle Johnson, John 1694 Perquimans Johnson, John 1752 Edgecombe Johnson, John 1753 Northampton Johnson, John 1757 Hyde Johnson, Susanah 1718 Chowan Johnson, William 1689 Albemarle Johnson, William 1728 Carteret Johnston, Thomas 1752 Onslow Jones, Charles 1695 Albemarle Jones, Cornelius 1715 Albemarle Jones, Cornelius 1750 Currituck Jones, Daniel 1714/15 Perquimans Jones, David 1753 Hyde Jones, Davis, Senr. 1757 Hyde Jones, Edward 1752 Bladen Jones, Evan 1751 Craven Jones, Evan 1753 Craven Jones, Francis 1755 Edgecombe Jones, Frederick 1723 Chowan Jones, Frederick 1759 Craven Jones, Henry 1752 Northampton Jones, Henry 1754 Chowan Jones, Henry, Senr. 1757 Northampton Jones, Isaac 1734 Pasquotank Jones, Isam 1753 Edgecombe Jones, James 1750 Tyrrell Jones, John 1708 Pasquotank Jones, John 1723 Pasquotank Jones, John 1727 Chowan Jones, John 1729 Pasquotank Jones, John 1736 Bertie Jones, John 1744 Chowan Jones, John 1751 Bertie Jones, John 1755 Chowan Jones, John 1758 Edgecombe Jones, John 1759 Duplin Jones, John 1759 Northampton Jones, Jonathan 1740 Pasquotank Jones, Joseph 1756 County Not Given Jones, Mary 1748 Bertie Jones, Moris 1756 Hyde Jones, Peter 1753 Perquimans Jones, Peter 1731 County Not Given Jones, Peter, Senr. 1752 Perquimans Jones, Roger 1741 Beaufort Jones, Samuel 1726 Currituck Jones, Sarah 1723 Bath Jones, Thomas 1754 Bertie Jones, William 1723 Chowan Jones, William 1733 Chowan Jones, William 1736 Bertie Jones, William 1742 Beaufort Jones, William 1750 Edgecombe Jones, William 1752 Perquimans Jones, William 1759 Halifax Jones, William 1774 Chowan Jones, William Harding 1732 Chowan Jons, Charles 1748 Bertie Jordan, Arthur 1755 Northampton Jordan, Arthur 1752 Northampton Jordan, Deborah 1770 Bladen Jordan, Joseph 1752 Pasquotank Jordan, William 1732 Tyrrell Jordian, Sollomon 1722 County Not Given Joy, William 1725 Pasquotank K Kalbin, John 1685 Perquimans Keefe, Frederick 1723 Bertie Keel, John 1736 Bath Keel, Lemuel 1748 Pasquotank Keel, Tamar 1748 Pasquotank Keeland, John 1752 Edgecombe Keeton, Henry 1715 Pasquotank Keeton, Zachariah, Senr. 1743 Pasquotank Keile, Thomas 1682/83 Albemarle Kelley, John 1758 Pasquotank Kelley, Sarah 1700 Pasquotank Kemp, George 1724 Pasquotank Kemp, William 1753 Anson Kennedy, Walter 1751 Johnston Kenyon, John 1752 Perquimans Keton (Keatton), John, Senr. 1735 Perquimans Kibble, Abraham 1751 Onslow Kilbee, Christopher 1752 Northampton Killingsworth, Francis 1752 Johnston Killingsworth, Richard 1733 Edgecombe Kince, Christian 1762 County Not Given Kinchen, William, Junr. 1758 Edgecombe King, Henry 1716 Chowan King, Henry 1751 Bertie King, John 1749 Onslow King, Michael 1741 Bertie Kingston, James 1748 New Hanover Kinsey, John 1719 Perquimans Kinsey, John 1752 Craven Kirby, Thomas 1719 Chowan Kisible, Michael 1728 Craven Kitching, William 1736 Perquimans Knight, Lewis Alexander 1732 Pasquotank Knight, Tobias 1719 Bath Knight, William 1752 Bertie Knox, John 1730 Chowan Kornegey, George 1773 Craven L Lacey, William 1734 Perquimans Lacy, John 1682 Perquimans Lafitte, Timothy 1742 Chowan Lakar, Benjamin 1701 Perquimans Laker, Juliana 1738 Perquimans Lamb, William 1758 Perquimans Lamberson, Henry 1744 Beaufort Lane, Christian 1748 Edgecombe Lane, Ephram 1774 Craven Lane, Joseph 1758 Edgecombe Lane, Thomas 1754 Bertie Lane, Walter 1757 Craven Lanier, John 1794 Beaufort Lanier, Robert 1744 Tyrrell Lankton, Thomas 1696 County Not Given Larance, William 1694 Perquimans Larkins, John 1738 New Hanover Lashly, Patrick 1759 Granville Lathum, Paul 1693 Albemarle Lattemore, Elizabeth 1753 Bertie Lattimore, William 1750 Bertie Latty, William 1704 County Not Given Lawler, David 1734 Chowan Lawler, Patrick 1728 Chowan Lawrence, George 1756 Bertie Lawson, Samuel 1758 Craven Layden, Francis 1728 Perquimans Lear, John 1695 Virginia Leary, Cornelius 1742 Tyrrell Leary, Richard 1738 Tyrrell Leasey, Francis 1739 Perquimans Leath, John 1752 Hyde Leath, John, Senr. 1751 Hyde Leath, Richard 1749 Hyde Leaton, Hugh 1784 Richmond Lee, George 1729 Pasquotank Lee, James 1732 Edgecombe Lee, Mary 1716 Chowan Lee, Richard 1756 Edgecombe Lee, Stephen 1773 Onslow Lee, Stevens 1747 Tyrrell Lee, Thomas 1719 Chowan Lee, Thomas 1722 County Not Given Lee, Thomas 1752 Bertie Lee, Thomas 1753 Tyrrell Leeth, John 1757 Anson Legitt, Thomas 1749 Currituck Leigh, Ann 1733 Beaufort Leigh, James 1728 Bath Leirmont, Richard 1752 Hyde Lelly, John 1753 Perquimans Lennon, John 1757 Bladen Lepper, Thomas 1719 Craven Lewerton, William 1699 Chowan Lewis, David 1773 Carteret Lewis, Evan 1714 County Not Given Lewis, William 1732 Bath Lilley, Thomas 1735 Perquimans Lillington, Alexander 1697 Perquimans Lillington, Ann 1725 Chowan Lillington, Eliezer 1729 Bath Lillington, Elizabeth 1734 Bath Lillington, John 1723 Bath Lindsay, James 1770 Craven Linington, Edward 1736 Craven Linington, George 1742 Craven Linsey, Daniel 1721 Currituck Linsey, David 1750 Currituck Linsey, Robert 1689 Albemarle Linton, William 1727 Craven Little, George 1787 Hertford Little, John 1755 Anson Little, William 1734 County Not Given Little, William 1758 Beaufort Lock, Benjamin 1757 Bladen Lockey, Joseph 1746 Beaufort Lockhart, James 1754 Bertie Lodman, James 1695 County Not Given Loftin, Leonard 1721 Craven Logan, Alexander 1739 County Not Given Lombrousyer, John 1744 Pasquotank Long, Giles 1691/92 County Not Given Long, James 1682 Albemarle Long, James 1712 Chowan Long, James 1734 Chowan Long, Joshua 1741 Perquimans Long, Joshua 1754 Tyrrell Long, Sarah 1718 Perquimans Long, Thomas 1721 Perquimans Long, Thomas 1754 Perquimans Long, William 1712 Perquimans Long, William 1759 Perquimans Longlather, Daniell 1716 Perquimans Lord, William 1749 New Hanover Love, Amos 1773 County Not Given Love, Daniel 1753 Duplin Lovick, John 1733 County Not Given Lovick, Thomas 1759 Carteret Low, Emanuel 1727 Pasquotank Low, John 1759 Pasquotank Lowden, John 1719 Pasquotank Lowe, Anne 1731 Pasquotank Lowe, William 1722 Chowan Lowle, Edmund 1744 Onslow Lowry, George 1753 Pasquotank Lowry, Joseph 1754 Pasquotank Lowry, Robert 1752 Pasquotank Lowther, Tristrim 1759 Northampton Loyd, Robert 1728 Albemarle Loyde (Lide), John 1742 Northampton Luarton, John 1723 Beaufort Lucas, Mary 1761 Craven Ludford, John 1737 Tyrrell Ludford, William 1702 County Not Given Ludford, William 1733 Pasquotank Lueston, John 1742 Bertie Lufman, William 1728 Currituck Lufman, William 1728 Currituck Lurry, William 1746 Currituck Luton, Adam 1746 Onslow Lyles (Liles), George 1753 Chowan Lynch, John, Senr. 1757 Granville Lyon, James 1752 Bladen M Mabson, Arthur 1748 Carteret MacCrary, Robert 1740 Bertie Mace, Francis 1749 Pasquotank Mace, William 1757 County Not Given MacKane, George 1758 Carteret MacKarty, Timothy 1718 Chowan MacKay, William 1745 Brunswick Mackclenden, Deborah 1732 Perquimans Mackdaniel, James 1759 Craven Mackdanill, Daniel 1733 Bertie MacKeel (MacKele), Rebecca 1729 Bath MacKeel, Anthony 1724 Bath MacKeel, Benjamin 1754 Pasquotank Mackelroy, James 1773 Beaufort Mackfarrell, John No Date County Not Given Mackgue, Lawrance 1740 Bertie Mackilwean, Francis 1774 Dobbs MacKinne, John 1753 Edgecombe MacKinne, Richard 1755 Edgecombe Macklemore, Abram (Abraham) 1736 Bertie Macklemore, James 1733 County Not Given Mackly, Henry 1721 Pasquotank Mackmial, John 1730 Bertie Macky, William 1740/41 Bertie MacLearan, Archibald 1751 Bladen MacNaughten, Ranald 1752 Bladen Maddux, John 1774 Carteret Madren, Richard 1755 Pasquotank Makee, Daniel 1695 County Not Given Man, John 1757 Northampton Man, John 1744 Tyrrell Man, Thomas 1735 Bertie Mandovel, John 1752 Hyde Mandue, Thomas 1736 Bertie Maner, John 1729 Bertie Maney, James 1752 Northampton/Bertie Marckham,Anthony 1710 Albemarle Markham, Joshua 1747 Pasquotank Markham, Levi 1744 Pasquotank Marr, Joseph 1745 Craven Marsden, Alice 1759 New Hanover Marsden, Thomas 1739 New Hanover Marsh, Edmond 1779 Randolph Marshall, John 1758 Edgecombe *Marshall, William 1739/38 Bertie Marston, Elizabeth 1733 Bath Martin, Elizabeth 1767 Craven Martin, George 1734 County Not Given Martin, Joel 1716 Bath Martin, John 1742 Pasquotank Martin, Nathaniel 1743 Pasquotank Martin, Thomas 1758 Craven Martin, William 1744 Hyde Martin, William 1745 Beaufort Martin, William 1769 Beaufort Martin, William 1736 Bertie Mashborne, Jethro 1753 Onslow Maskil, William 1753 Craven Mason, John 1721 Currituck Mason, John 1748 Craven Mason, John, Senr. 1741 Hyde Mason, John, Senr. 1752 Hyde Mason, Mary 1772 New Hanover Mason, Roger, Junr. 1752 Hyde Mason, Roger, Senr. 1756 Hyde Massey, Hezekiah 1727 Bertie Masters, John 1773 Craven Masters, Joseph 1760 Craven Masters, Thomas 1749 Craven Matham, Ralph 1750 Currituck Mathers, Edward 1753 Craven Mathews, Charity 1772 Tyrrell Mathews, Thomas 1732 Chowan Matthias, John 1748 Perquimans Mattocks, John 1733 Bath Maudlin, Ezekiel 1732 Perquimans Maudlin, Thomas 1759 Perquimans Maule, John 1774 Beaufort Maule, Patrick 1736 Beaufort Maule, William 1726 Bertie Maultsby, John 1757 New Hanover Maultsby, John 1758 Bladen Maund, Noah 1752 Edgecombe Mayfeild, Peter 1687 Albemarle Mayo, Edward 1724 Pasquotank Mayo, Edward 1734 Pasquotank McAdams, James 1742 Pasquotank McAdams, Sarah 1744 Pasquotank McAlphin, William 1747 Craven McCarty, Bailey 1751 Hyde McCarty, Dennis 1759 Hyde McClalland, Andrew 1752 Bladen McClammy, Thomas 1773 New Hanover McClendon, Dennis 1726 Bertie McCorkel, Robert No Date Anson McCoy, Daniell 1735 Currituck McCulloch, Henry 1755 County Not Given McDaniel, Owen 1743 Bertie McDowall, James 1752 Bertie McDowell, John 1735 Brunswick McGee, John 1774 Guilford McGregor, Hugh 1704 Pasquotank McKeel, John 1707 Pasquotank McKeel, John 1750 Pasquotank McKeel, Thomas 1729 Pasquotank McKeel, Thomas, Senr. 1753 Pasquotank McKeel, Thomas, Senr. 1754 Pasquotank McKeichan, Dugald 1750 Bladen McKinney, Mary 1754 Edgecombe McKinzie, John 1754 Virginia McNary, Gilbert 1747 Hyde McRee, William 1751 Duplin Meads, Timothy 1686 Albemarle Meaids (Meads, Meed), Timothy 1751 Pasquotank Meavis (Mevois), Mark 1762 Craven Medford, Hanry 1774 Halifax Meeds, Susannah 1755 Pasquotank Meeds, Thomas 1751 Pasquotank Meglohon, James 1750 Bertie Melton, Jonathan 1758 Onslow Melton, Robert 1759 Orange Meret, Charles 1718 Chowan Meritt, Nathaniel 1735 Edgecombe Merreday, Thomas 1741 Pasquotank Merritt, John 1757 Edgecombe Mesler, Cearsmer 1696 Chowan Messex, Joseph 1754 Onslow Metcalf, Caleb 1736 Craven Mets, George, Senr. 1727 Craven Mewboorn, Thomas 1749 Bertie Middleton, Henry 1739 Tyrrell Middleton, John 1718 County Not Given Middleton, John 1744 Onslow Middleton, John 1750 Edgecombe Midyett, Matthew 1735 Currituck Millard, Charles 1735 -- Miller, Thomas 1694 County Not Given Miller, Thomas 1727 Pasquotank Miller, William 1777 New Hanover Mills, George 1689 County Not Given Milner, James 1773 Halifax Ming, Joseph 1751 Chowan Mitchel, Randal 1758 Edgecombe Mitchell, Abraham 1746 Carteret Mitchell, Abram 1747 Onslow Mitchell, James 1745 Chowan Mobley, John 1753 Edgecombe Mohoon, Josiah 1774 Halifax Moncreif, John 1713 Currituck Mons, Thomas 1693 County Not Given Montgomery (Mungumrey), George 1723 Bath Montgomery,john 1744 Chowan Montgomrey, Ann 1744 Chowan Moor, Epaphroditus 1757 Bertie Moor, James 1735 Bertie Moor, John 1748 Perquimans Moor, John 1755 Perquimans Moor, John 1753 Northampton Moor, John 1754 Bertie Moor, John 1754 Bertie Moor, Joseph 1757 Edgecombe Moor, Joshua 1734 Perquimans Moor, Mary 1756 Perquimans Moor, Richard 1748 Bertie Moor, Robert 1750 Perquimans Moor, Roger 1758 New Hanover Moor, Samuel 1751 Onslow Moor, Samuel 1694 Albemarle Moor, Samuel 1752 Perquimans Moor, Samuel 1756 Perquimans Moor, Thomas 1755 New Hanover Moor, Titus 1757 Bertie Moore, David 1670 County Not Given Moore, Truman 1753 Perquimans Moorhead, James 1759 Bladen More, William 1732 Perquimans More, William 1752 Perquimans Morgan, James 1741 Perquimans Morgan, Jane, Senr. 1742 Perquimans Morgan, John, Senr. 1755 Pasquotank Morgan, Nathan 1750 Onslow Morgan, Robert 1730 Pasquotank Moris, John 1742 Craven Morison, Benjamin 1760 New Hanover Morrel, Humphry 1733 County Not Given Morris, John 1739 Pasquotank Morris, John 1759 Bertie Morris, Thomas 1744 New Hanover Mortimer, John 1766 New Hanover Moseley, Edward 1749 New Hanover Moss, Grace 1771 Craven Mounteague, Elizabeth 1757 Perquimans Mounticue, Thomas 1750 Perquimans Moy, John 1735 Currituck Moye, Thomas 1723 Chowan Mulkey, Philip 1737 Edgecombe Mullen, Isaac 1743 Perquimans Mullen, Jacob 1758 Perquimans Mumford, Joseph 1732 Onslow Mundy, William 1688 Albemarle Murden, Jeremiah 1750 Pasquotank Murphey, William 1737 Edgecombe Murphy, Edmon 1745 Craven Murphy, Jeremiah 1752 Craven Murphy, Thomas 1746 Craven Murray, Andrew 1746 Onslow N Nayler, Richard 1696 Albemarle Neale, Abner 1772 Craven Neale, Henry 1735 County Not Given Nealle, Charles 1699 Albemarle Needham, Thomas 1743 Pasquotank Nessfield, John 1764 Bladen Nevell, Francis 1735 County Not Given Nevelle, Benjamin 1759 Halifax Newby, Benjamin 1739 Pasquotank Newby, Francis 1744 Perquimans Newby, Francis 1752 Perquimans Newby, Gabriel 1735 County Not Given Newby, James 1743 Pasquotank Newby, Joseph 1735 Perquimans Newby, Joseph 1752 Perquimans Newby, Mary 1739 Perquimans Newby, Nathan 1735 Perquimans Newby, Samuel 1737 Perquimans Newnam, Thomas 1723 Chowan Newsum, Joel 1752 Northampton Newton, Christofer 1759 Perquimans Newton, Thomas 1765 Bladen Nice, William 1758 County Not Given Nicholas, Nathaniel 1755 Bertie Nicholson, Joseph 1698 Albemarle Nicholson, Nathaniel 1737 Perquimans Nicholson, William 1723 Currituck Nickolls, James 1742 Currituck Nickolson, Christofer 1723 Perquimans Nickolson, Josiah 1750 Currituck Nickolson, Samuel 1728 County Not Given Nickson, Thomas 1753 Northampton Nicols, John 1712 County Not Given Nixon, Elizabeth 1748 Perquimans Nixon, John 1692 Pasquotank Nixon, Zachariah 1739 Perquimans Nixon, Zachariah 1752 Perquimans Nixson, Richard 1746 Craven Noble, Samuel 1776 Carteret Noble, William 1724 Bath Nobleland, John 1755 Edgecombe Norcom, Cornelius 1740 Chowan Norcom, John 1746 Chowan Norcom, John 1728 Chowan Norcom, Mary 1721 Perquimans Norcom, Thomas 1707 Perquimans Norcom, Thomas 1744 Perquimans Norcom, Thomas 1748 Perquimans Norfleet, James 1733 Perquimans Norfleet, John 1754 Chowan Norfleet, Marmaduke 1762 Halifax Norfleet, Mary 1742 Perquimans Norfleet, Thomas 1746 Edgecombe Norman, John 1753 Onslow Norris, William 1724 Pasquotank Northen, John, Senr. 1714 Currituck Norton, John 1745 Currituck Norton, William 1751 Bladen Norwood, George 1749 Northampton Norwood, Thomas 1758 Craven Norwood, William 1748 Craven Nusum, Richard 1753 Bertie O O'Brian, Darbe 1725 Perquimans O'Daniel, Owen 1736 Bertie O'Neal, Michael 1722 Currituck O'Neal, Michael 1723 Currituck O'Quin, Patrick 1752 Northampton Odeon, Charles 1736 Beaufort Odeon, John 1741 Beaufort Odom, Jacob 1736 Bertie Odom, Richard 1728 Chowan Odyer, Dennis 1746 Johnston Ofeye, Danell 1708 Pasquotank Oldfield, Richard 1773 Onslow Oliver, Frances 1756 Chowan Oliver, Joseph 1737 County Not Given Oliver, Moses 1728 Chowan Oliver, Thomas 1745 Currituck Orindell, Edward 1732 Chowan Ormond, Wyriott 1773 Beaufort Osborn, Obediah 1758 Onslow Ottwell, Isaac 1732 Bath Overman, Charles 1755 Pasquotank Overman, Jacob, Senr. 1715 Pasquotank Overman, James 1746 Pasquotank Overman, John 1745 Pasquotank Overman, Joseph 1739 Pasquotank Overton, John 1739 Onslow Overton, Robert 1753 Currituck Owens, John 1750 Tyrrell Oxenwall, Peter 1730 Craven P Pace, John 1727 Bertie Pace, Richard 1738 Bertie Paine, John 1767 New Hanover Paine, John 1754 Craven Paine, Samuel 1715 Currituck Palin, Henry 1700 Pasquotank Palin, John 1737 Pasquotank Palin, John 1755 Pasquotank Palin, Thomas 1751 Pasquotank Palin, Thomas 1734 Pasquotank Palmer, Joseph 1744 Pasquotank Palmer, Robert 1740 Pasquotank Palmer, Thomas 1721 County Not Given Paquinet, Michael 1748 Carteret Paquinet, Michael 1772 Carteret Parker, Azricam 1738 Currituck Parker, Francis 1757 Edgecombe Parker, Joseph 1749 Chowan Parker, Mary 1754 Edgecombe Parker, Peter 1722 Currituck Parker, Peter 1750 Currituck Parker, Richard 1752 Chowan Parker, Simon 1759 Edgecombe Parker, Thomas 1717 Chowan Parker, Thomas 1755 Currituck Parker, William 1751 Chowan Parkes, Henry 1734 Craven Parlepough, Henry 1736 Craven Parrish, John 1738 Perquimans Parrish, William 1736 Edgecombe Parrot, Jacob 1738 Bertie Parsons, Samuel 1745 Perquimans Parsons, Thomas 1749 Craven Paryer, John 1738 Craven Pasmore, John 1754 Edgecombe Pattenson, Henry 1751 New Hanover Patterson (Paterson),Georg 1749 Bertie Patterson, Robert 1721 Chowan/Bertie Paull, William 1744 Northampton Payne, Peter 1755 Chowan Pearce, Robert 1729 Chowan Pearcy, Lazarus 1760 Craven Pearson, John 1755 Pasquotank Pearson, Peter 1735 Perquimans Pearson, Rachel 1750 Perquimans Pearson, Thomas 1748 Craven Peeke, James 1728 Bertie Peelle, Judith 1756 Northampton Peet, William 1722/23 County Not Given Peggs, John 1755 Pasquotank Peggs, Margaret 1729 Pasquotank Peirce, John 1726 Perquimans Peirce, Joseph 1736 Perquimans Pender, Paul 1748 Bertie Pendleton, Henry 1748 Pasquotank Pendleton, Thomas 1750 Pasquotank Pendleton, Thomas 1751 Pasquotank Pendleton, Thomas 1732 Pasquotank Penrice, Francis 1758 Perquimans Penrice, Thomas 1739 Chowan Perisho, John 1759 Perquimans Perisho, Sarah 1760 Perquimans Perkins, Henry 1715 Currituck Perry, Jeremiah 1695 Chowan Perry, Phillip 1751 Perquimans Persons, John 1754 Perquimans Peterson, Jacob 1697 Albemarle Peterson, Jacob 1698 Perquimans Petit, Francis 1712 Chowan Peyton, Robert 1754 Bath Pfifer, John 1777 Mecklenburg Phelps, Godfrey 1751 Tyrrell Phelps, Henry 1752 Perquimans Phelps, Jonathan 1689 Perquimans Phelps, Jonathan 1732 Perquimans Phelps, Samuel 1728 Perquimans Phelps, William 1752 Perquimans Phenney, George 1737 County Not Given Phillips, Daniel 1726 Currituck Phillips, Paul 1751 Craven Phillips, Thomas 1743 Craven Phillips, Thomas 1751 Northampton Phillips, William 1751 Beaufort Philpott, John 1694 Albemarle Pickens, Andrew 1756 County Not Given Pickerin, Richard 1739 Bertie Pierce (Pearse), John 1682 Perquimans Pierce, Joseph 1700 Perquimans Pierce, Thomas 1732 Perquimans Pierce, Thomas 1756 Chowan Pike, Samuel 1716 Pasquotank Pilkington, Seth 1754 Beaufort Pilson, Grace 1743 Craven Pilson, Thomas 1743 Craven Pimbrow, Daniell 1688 County Not Given Pinkett, Elinor 1758 Beaufort Pipkin, John 1745 Chowan Pirent, James 1757 Edgecombe Pitman, Benjamin 1756 Edgecombe Pitman, Thomas 1755 Edgecombe Plater, Richard 1705 Pasquotank Plato, Thomas 1736 Pasquotank Plomer, Samuel Sabane 1755 Chowan Plowman, John 1721 Chowan Poiner, William 1755 Currituck Poitevent, Peter 1730 County Not Given Pollock, Esther 1723 Chowan Pollock, James 1700 Chowan Pollock, Thomas 1722 Chowan Pollock, Thomas 1732 Bertie Pool, Solomon 1739 Pasquotank Pope, Edward 1722 Pasquotank Pope, Richard 1701 Pasquotank Pope, Samuel 1758 Craven Pope, William 1749 Edgecombe Porsell, Garitt 1729 Albemarle Porter, John 1728 County Not Given Porter, John 1751 Hyde *Porter, John Peyton 1755 Beaufort Porter, John Swann 1770 New Hanover Porter, Mary 1717 Chowan Porter, Nicoless 1749 Johnston Porter, Samuel 1757 Bladen Pottel, Joseph 1749 Perquimans Powell, George 1736 Bertie Powell, John 1724 Albemarle Powell, Thomas 1754 Northampton Powell, William 1748 Craven Power, William 1748 Chowan Powers, George 1755 Currituck Powers, Isbell 1757 Currituck Poyner, James 1755 Currituck Poyner, Joseph 1712 Currituck Poyner, Peter 1715 Currituck Poyner, Peter 1758 Currituck Poyner, William 1723 Currituck Pratt, Job 1736 Perquimans Pratt, John 1742 Bertie Pratt, John 1743 Chowan Pratt, Joseph 1737 Perquimans Prescoat, William 1745 Craven Prescoate, John 1773 Beaufort Prescott, Moses 1751 Carteret Prescott, William 1756 Beaufort Price, Peter 1734 Beaufort Price, Rice 1756 New Hanover Price, Thomas 696 Pasquotank Price, Thomas 1751 Edgecombe Price, William 1757 Perquimans Prichard, David, Senr. 1697 County Not Given Prichard, Harbert 1738 Bertie Prichett, Abraham 1750 Beaufort Pricklove, Elizabeth 1728 Perquimans Pricklove, Samuel 1702/03 County Not Given Pringle, Alexander 1739/40 Craven Pritchard, Benjamin 1752 Pasquotank Pritchard, David 1707 Pasquotank Pritchard, James 1755 Pasquotank Pritchard, Joan 1707 Pasquotank Pritchett, Jacob 1756 Beaufort Pritchett, Margaret 1756 Beaufort Pritlowe, John 1728 Perquimans Prouse, Ane 1682 County Not Given Pugh, Francis 1736 Bertie Pugh, John 1740 County Not Given Purcell, Neill 1753 Craven Purdy, George 1733 County Not Given Purkens, David 1734 Bath Purser, Robert 1733 Bath Puryer, Robert 1759 Halifax Putnell, William 1734 Bath Q Quinn, Loftin 1774 Carteret R Ragland, Frederick 1758 Northampton Ragland, Stephen 1747 Northampton Raiford, Matthew 1758 Cumberland Raman, William 1713 Albemarle Rapheld, William 1757 Tyrrell Rasbuary, John 1749 Bertie Rasor, Frances 1748 Bertie Ratlif, Damaris 1734 County Not Given Ratlif, Samuel 1733 County Not Given Ratliff, Richard 1724 Perquimans Rawlings, John 1747 Northampton Rawlins, Benjamin 1738 Edgecombe Raymond, Thomas 1730 County Not Given Read, George 1753 Carteret Reading, Churchill 1734 Bath Reading, Joseph 1731 Pasquotank Reading, Lionel (Lyonell) 1725 Bath Reading, Thomas 1749 Beaufort Reavis, Edward 1752 Northampton Recksaker, Daniel 1733 Pasquotank Redding, John 1754 Perquimans Redding, William 1774 Halifax Redditt, William 1739 Bertie Reding, Joseph 1753 Perquimans Reed, Andrew 1728 Perquimans Reed, Joseph 1751 Anson Reel, Peter 1739 Craven Reese, Owen 1745 Pasquotank Refield, William 1731 Pasquotank Regan, Daniel 1727 County Not Given/Bertie Reggons, Joseph 1727 Bertie Relf, John 1742 Pasquotank Relf, Mary 1725 Pasquotank Relfe, Thomas 1704 County Not Given Renfrow, John 1748 Edgecombe Reston, Thomas 1724 County Not Given Rew, Southy 1754 Craven Rhoads, William 1753 Tyrrell Rhodes (Rodes), William 1734 Pasquotank Rhodes, Henery 1774 Dobbs Rhodes, Henry 1751 Onslow Rhodes, Richard 1693 Albemarle Rice, Benjamin 1746 Beaufort Rice, Edward 1753 Bertie Rice, John 1753 Chowan Rice, Lucy 1720/21 County Not Given Rice, Mary 1754 New Hanover Rice, Morgin 1684 County Not Given Rice, Nathaniel 1753 New Hanover Richards, John 1741 Pasquotank Richards, Mary 1743 Chowan Richards, Richard 1758 Edgecombe Richardson, Daniel 1723 Pasquotank Richardson, George 1756 New Hanover Richardson, John 1743 Perquimans Richardson, John 1773 Craven Richardson, Stephen 1723 Pasquotank Richmond, Henery 1714 County Not Given Rickitson, Gordius 1774 Craven Ricks, Benjamin 1721 Chowan Ricks, Isaac 1748 Edgecombe Riddick, Joseph 1759 Perquimans Ridge, Thomas 1747 County Not Given Rieussett, John 1737 County Not Given Rieussett, Petter 1734 Bath Rigby, William 1744 New Hanover Rigney, Benjamin 1750 Beaufort Rigney, John 1726 Beaufort Riordane, Denis 1724 Currituck Risonouer, Mathew 1747 Craven Ritega, Jacob 1735 Pasquotank Roberts, Andrew 1723 Craven Roberts, James 1745 Craven Roberts, James 1774 Craven Roberts, Joseph 1774 Craven Robertson, Henry 1752 Edgecombe Robertson, James 1754 Pasquotank Robins, James 1725 Bath *Robins, Joseph 1754 Rowan Robinson, Charles 1754 Anson Robinson, Hunphry 1752 Chowan Robinson, John 1758 Perquimans Robinson, Joseph 1717 Perquimans Robinson, Thomas 1755 Chowan Robinson, Thomas 1719 Albemarle Rodgers, John 1726 Bertie Rodgers, Joseph 1705 Bath Roe, Edward 1696 County Not Given Roe, James 1737/38 Craven Roe, John 1783 Richmond Roe, Luke 1775 Craven Roe, Robert 1756 Beaufort Rogers, Emanuel 1729 Bertie Rogers, Joseph 1752 Northampton Rogers, Richard 1749 Onslow Rogers, Robert 1739 Chowan Rogers, Thomas 1749 Bertie Rogers, Thomas 1754 Bertie Rogers, William 1690 Albemarle Rolfe, Thomas 1690/91 County Not Given Roose, William 1722 Massachusetts Roper, William 1730 Chowan Rosier, Nathaniel 1704 Albemarle Rountree, Francis 1748 Johnston Rountree, Hannah 1759 Perquimans Rountree, Jesse 1777 Craven Rountree, Moses 1755 Perquimans Rourk, Edmund 1769 Bladen Row, Valentine 1740 Pasquotank Rowan, Matthew 1760 New Hanover Rowell, Elizabeth 1746 Northampton Rowntree, Francis 1734 County Not Given Rountree,Jessey 1777 Craven Rowntree, Thomas 1748 Chowan Rowntree, Thomas 1774 Chowan Rucker, Thomas 1748 Chowan Russel, John 1753 Onslow Russell, Habakkuk 1754 Carteret Russell, Thomas 1744/45 Craven Rustull, Richard 1747 Carteret Ryall, Charles 1755 Onslow Ryan, David 1762 Bertie Ryan, Thomas 1753 Bertie Ryding, Jonathan 1754 Bertie S Sadler, Richard 1754 Chowan Sadler, William 1727 Chowan Salisbury, James 1758 Pasquotank Salter, Edward 1734 Bath Sanders, Abraham 1751 Perquimans Sanders, Ann 1752 Perquimans Sanders, Benjamin 1744 Perquimans Sanders, John 1733 Onslow Sanders, John 1751 Chowan Sanders, Mary 1734 Bertie Sanders, William 1757 Edgecombe Sanderson, Bazil 1722 Chowan Sanderson, Benjamin 1758 Craven Sanderson, Joseph 1746 Currituck Sanderson, Joseph 1758 Currituck Sanderson, Joseph 1774 Craven Sanderson, Julian 1752 Currituck Sanderson, Richard 1733 Perquimans Sanderson, Ruth 1727 County Not Given Sarson, Laurence 1732 Bertie Sawyer, Charles 1750 Pasquotank Sawyer, Daniel 1752 Pasquotank Sawyer, Henry 1729 Pasquotank Sawyer, Jeremiah 1756 Pasquotank Sawyer, John 1713 Albemarle Sawyer, John 1743 Pasquotank Sawyer, Joshua 1753 Pasquotank Sawyer, Robert 1735 Pasquotank Sawyer, Solomon 1742 Pasquotank Sawyer, Thomas 1750 Pasquotank Sawyer, Thomas 1756 Pasquotank Sawyer, Willis 1753 Pasquotank Scaner, Isaac 1693 Albemarle Scarbrough, Charles 1751 Pasquotank Scarbrough, John 1756 Pasquotank Scarbrough, Macrora 1752 Perquimans Scarfe, John 1751 Pasquotank Schwanner, Mathias Tobias 1745 Tyrrell Scollay, Elizabeth 1767 Bertie Scollay, Samuel 1752 County Not Given Scott, John 1773 Craven Scott, John 1738 Pasquotank Scott, Joseph 1685 County Not Given Scott, Joshua 1686 Albemarle Scott, Mary 1692 Perquimans Scott, Matthew 1771 Pitt Scott, Richard 1762 New Hanover Scott, Stephen 1716 Pasquotank Scott, Stephen 1753 Pasquotank Seagrove, Adam 1723/24 Currituck Sears, William 1679 Albemarle Seay, James 1774 Bertie Setton, Nathanel 1725 Perquimans Shackleford, James 1759 Carteret Shackleford, John 1734 Carteret Sharp, Jacob 1748 Bertie Sharwood, David 1723 Perquimans Shaver, John 1730 Bath Shearad, David 1740 Perquimans Shearer, Robert 1727 Bertie Shelley, John Phillip 1749 Edgecombe Shepard, David 1775 Carteret Shepard, Thomas 1722 Currituck Sherard, John 1753 Northampton Sherwood, Thomas 1694 Albemarle Shetts, Jacob 1752 Craven Shine, Daniel 1757 Craven Shirley, James 1737/38 New Hanover Shirord, Alexander 1734 Bertie Shorter, William 1753 Northampton Shrock, Peter 1751 Bertie Shubridge, William 1746 Onslow Shute, Gyles 1730 Bath Shute, Rebecca 1732 Jamaica Sigley, John 1754 Beaufort Silverthorn, Gilford 1737 Hyde Silverthorn, Sabastin 1752 Hyde Silvester, Richard 1729 Beaufort Simmonds, Henry 1758 Bladen Simmonds, Henry 1758 Bladen Simmonds, Jacob 1736/35 New Hanover/Brunswick Simmons, Bullock 1746 Currituck Simmons, Edward 1735 Edgecombe Simmons, Frances 1757 Currituck Simmons, Henry 1755 Currituck Simmons, Henry 1774 Onslow Simmons, James 1755 Currituck Simmons, Mary 1724 Perquimans Simmons, Nicholas 1703 Chowan Simmons, Thomas 1755 Currituck Simons, Andrew 1752 Beaufort Simons, Argill 1714 Chowan Simons, John 1732 Chowan Simons, John 1742 Craven Simons, John 1760 Craven Simons, Matthew 1692 Albemarle Simpson, Alexander 1738 County Not Given Simpson, Walter 1759 New Hanover Sims, Robert 1729 Bertie Simson, John 1754 Currituck Simson, William 1694 Albemarle Sinclare, Samuel 1755 Hyde Singleton, John 1755 Northampton Singleton, Samuel 1762 Dobbs Sitgreaves, William 1747 Carteret Sitterson, James 1750 Perquimans Skinner, John 1771 Perquimans Skinner, Richard 1746 Perquimans Skinner, Richard 1752 Perquimans Slade, Hezekiah 1752 Hyde Slade, John 1743 Hyde Slade, Samuel 1746 Beaufort Slaughter, Michael 1741 Chowan Slobock, Jacob 1756 Carteret Slockem, Samuel 1713 Bath Slockum, Anthony 1688 Albemarle Slocomb, John 1722 Craven Slocomb, John 1759 Craven Small, Benjamin 1756 Carteret Smelage, Edward 1744 Onslow Smewin, Herman 1673 Albemarle Smith, Andrew 1760 New Hanover Smith, Edward 1690 Pasquotank Smith, Edward 1735 County Not Given Smith, George 1736 Bertie Smith, George 1746 Northampton Smith, Henry 1748 Craven Smith, James 1736 Perquimans Smith, James 1745 Craven Smith, James 1749 Beaufort Smith, Jeremiah 1720 County Not Given Smith, John 1770 Craven Smith, John 1729 Bertie Smith, John 1734 Chowan Smith, John 1772 Hyde Smith, John, Senr. 1748 Hyde Smith, Joseph 1732 Perquimans Smith, Levi 1715/16 Currituck Smith, Nicholas 1751 Beaufort Smith, Richard 1757 Edgecombe Smith, Richard 1751 Pasquotank Smith, Richard 1756 Northampton Smith, Robert 1726 Bertie Smith, Robert 1693 Perquimans Smith, Sarah 1725 Currituck Smith, Thomas 1753 Beaufort Smith, Thomas 1757 Edgecombe Smith, Thomas 1706 Albemarle Smith, William 1724 Pasquotank Smith, William 1734 Pasquotank Smith, William 1742 Tyrrell Smith, William 1743 Chowan Smith, William 1749 Craven Smith, William 1755 Chowan Smithson, Thomas 1743 Pasquotank Smithwick, Ann 1711 Bath Smithwick, Edward 1716 Chowan Smithwick, John 1696 Bath Snedeker, Garret 1770 New Hanover Snell, Robert 1708 County Not Given Snell, Roger 1759 Duplin Snellen, Israel 1700 Albemarle Snoad, Henry 1752 Beaufort Snoad, John 1743 Beaufort Snoad, William 1747 Beaufort Snoden, Samuel 1753 Pasquotank Snoden, Thomas 1736 Perquimans Snourk, Daniel 1712 Perquimans Snowden, Joseph 1740 Perquimans Snowdon, Elizabeth 1744 Perquimans Soane, John 1733 Bertie Solley, John 1752 Pasquotank Somerset, Seymore 1752 Northampton Southerland, John 1771 Virginia Sowell, Charles 1738 Bertie Sowell, John 1755 Bertie Sowell, Richard 1751 Bertie Sowerby, Henry 1747 Northampton Sparkman, John 1728 Chowan Sparkman, John 1739 Chowan Sparnon, Joseph 1718 Pasquotank Sparrow, Thomas 1717 County Not Given Speight, Francis 1749 Chowan Speir, Elizabeth 1774 Pitt Speir, James 1731 Bertie Speir, John 1767 Craven Speller, Henry 1727 Bertie Speller, Patience 1738 Bertie Spence, Alexander 1735 Pasquotank Spence, James 1740 Pasquotank Spence, James 1755 Pasquotank Spence, John 1736 Pasquotank Spight, Mary 1743 Bertie Spight, Thomas 1737 Perquimans Spight, Thomas 1756 Craven Spivey, Thomas 1730 Chowan Spratten, Henry 1751 Currituck Spring, Aaron 1756 Beaufort Sprot, Thomas 1757 Anson Stacey, Charls 1725 Chowan Stafford, John 1735 Bath Stafford, William 1728 Currituck Stafford, William 1742 Currituck Stafford, William 1751 Pasquotank Stafford, William 1765 New Hanover Stallings, Lott 1749 Chowan Stamp, Richard 1722 Pasquotank Stamp, Thomas 1729 Pasquotank Standin, Samuel 1752 Perquimans Standin, William 1760 Perquimans Standing, Edward 1721 Chowan Standley, Jonathan 1773 Bertie Stanfield, John 1755 Orange Stanford, Levin 1773 Beaufort Stansell, John 1750 Tyrrell Stanton, Henry 1751 Carteret Stanton, Mary 1721 County Not Given Stanton, Thomas 1720 Pasquotank Stasey, Thomas 1697 Chowan Steele, Ambrose 1725 Bath Steell, Alexander 1751 Onslow Steely, Thomas 1719 Chowan Stephens, Edward 1751 Johnston Stephenson, George 1754 Edgecombe Stepney, John 1750 Perquimans Stepney, John 1754 Perquimans Stevens, James 1739 Bath Stevens, Jeremiah 1757 Currituck Stevens, Thomas 1751 Craven Stevens, Thomasen 1748 Currituck Stevens, William 1697 Chowan Stevens, William 1750 Beaufort Stevenson, Charles 1751 Northampton Stevenson, William 1739 Perquimans Steward, William 1711 Perquimans Stewart, John 1742 Craven Stewart, John 1774 Bertie Stewart, Levi 1753 Currituck Stiball, Richard 1695 Albemarle Stiring, George 1745 Carteret Stoakley, Joseph 1729/30 Pasquotank Stockley, Thomas 1758 New Hanover Stone, John 1744 Perquimans Stone, Richard 1749 Currituck Strickland, Joseph 1755 Northampton/Bertie Strickland, William 1728 Bertie Stringer, Francis 1753 Craven Stringer, Mary 1746 Chowan Stringfield, Richard 1747 Northampton Strowde, John 1703/04 Currituck Stuart, John 1706/07 Chowan Stuart, John 1736 New Hanover Stubbs, Richard 1754 Tyrrell Stubbs, Thomas 1737 Beaufort Stubbs, William 1757 Beaufort Sugg, George 1758 Beaufort Sumner, James 1750 Perquimans Sumner, John 1755 Chowan Sumner, Richard 1729 Bertie Sutton, George 1699 County Not Given Sutton, Joseph 1696 Perquimans Sutton, Joseph 1723 Perquimans Sutton, Joseph 1724 Perquimans Sutton, Mary 1738 Perquimans Sutton, Nathaniel 1682 County Not Given Sutton, Thomas 1750 Bertie Swain, Jeremiah 1747 Tyrrell Swain, John 1749 Tyrrell Swain, William 1753 Tyrrell Swaine, Stephen 1712 Chowan/Bertie Swann, Samuel 1708 Perquimans Swann, Samuel 1753 Perquimans Swann, Samuel 1768 Pasquotank Swann, Thomas 1733 Pasquotank Swift, Ephraim 1744 Onslow Swinson, Richard 1716 Chowan Syers, Gerrard 1755 New Hanover Symons, Benjamin 1748 Pasquotank Symons, Jeremiah 1715 Pasquotank Symons, Jeremiah 1740 Pasquotank Symons, John 1741 Pasquotank Symons, John 1748 Pasquotank Symons, Rachel 1749 Pasquotank Symons, Thomas 1758 Pasquotank Symons, Thomas 1706 Pasquotank Syms, William 1755 Edgecombe T Tarkington, John 1716 County Not Given Tarkington, William 1748 Tyrrell Tart, Joseph 1748 Hyde Tatum, Nathaniel 1750 Edgecombe Taylor (Taileler), John 1716 Chowan Taylor, Abraham 1751 Johnston Taylor, Andrew 1759 Northampton Taylor, Ann 1764 County Not Given Taylor, Jane 1734 Carteret Taylor, John 1772 Craven Taylor, Lemuell 1720 Perquimans Taylor, Luke 1774 Chowan Taylor, Nathaniel 1734 Carteret Taylor, Ralph 1758 New Hanover Taylor, Robert 1758 Edgecombe Taylor, Samuel 1746 Northampton Taylor, Thomas 1736 Currituck Taylor, William 1773 Pasquotank Ternell, John 1713 Craven Tester, Robert 1695/96 County Not Given Thems, Thomas 1750 Bladen Therrill, William 1682 Albemarle Thomas, Barnabee 1735 County Not Given Thomas, Frances 1739 Chowan Thomas, Francis 1756 Bladen Thomas, John 1746 Northampton Thomas, Joseph 1735 Bertie Thomas, Joseph 1758 Bertie Thomas, Joseph 1758 Edgecombe Thomas, Josiah 1752 New Hanover Thomas, Louis 1730/31 Craven Thomas, Luke 1751 Edgecombe Thomas, Morgan 1709 County Not Given Thomes, Joseph 1727/28 Perquimans Thompson, John 1738 Craven Thompson, John 1755 Chowan Thomson, David 1773 Duplin Thoragood, Francis 1716 Bath Thornton, John 1755 Granville Thurston, John 1692 Albemarle Tibbit, John 1755 Carteret Tigner, James 1749 Craven Timmerman, John Gasper 1722 Craven Tison, Samuel 1736 Bath Tisson, Mathias 1710 Bath Tomes, Francis 1729 Perquimans Tomes, Joshua 1732 Perquimans Tomlin, John 1715 Perquimans Toms, Mary 1717/18 Perquimans Tomson, Jacob 1750 Johnston Tomson, William 1736 County Not Given Tooke, James 1720 Pasquotank Toops, Joseph 1755 County Not Given Torksey, Elizabeth 1758 Pasquotank Torksey, John 1747 Pasquotank Torksey, Philip 1755 Pasquotank Torksey, Phillip 1727 Pasquotank Torvenson, James 1675 Albemarle Totewine, William 1777 Craven Townsen, John 1739 Perquimans Tranter, John 1727 Bath Travis, Edward 1740 Beaufort Tremain, Jonathan 1742 Onslow Trotter, William 1729 Perquimans Trowell, Joseph 1736 Perquimans Trublood, John 1692 Albemarle Trueblood, Agnes 1692 Pasquotank Trueblood, John 1734 Pasquotank Truitt, Joseph 1756 Craven Trumbel, Thomas 1733 County Not Given Tucker, Nathaniel 1751 Onslow Tulley, Jane 1732 Pasquotank Tuly, Thomas 1741 Hyde Turbavell, Richard 1726 Bertie Turnbull, James 1754 Tyrrell Turner, Henry 1713 Virginia Turner, Henry 1748 Edgecombe Turner, John 1716 County Not Given Turner, John 1718 Perquimans Turner, Richard 1719 Perquimans Turner, Robert 1743 Perquimans Turner, Robert 1745 Beaufort Turner, William 1698 Albemarle Turner, William 1704 Pasquotank Turner, William 1750 Pasquotank Turner, William 1696 Albemarle Turner, William 1753 Pasquotank Tweede, Thomas 1706 Pasquotank Twigg, William 1741 Chowan Tyler, Moses 1762 Bladen Tyler, Thomas 1722 Bath Tyner, Nicholas 1753 Northampton U Unday, Thomas 1725 Bath Upston, Thomas 1750 Pasquotank Upton, Edward 1755 Pasquotank Upton, John 1715 Pasquotank Urquhart, William 1738 Chowan V Vallentine, Richard 1731 New Hanover Van Pelt, John 1748 New York Vanluven, Christopher 1732 Bertie Vann, Edward 1752 Chowan Vann, Joseph 1753 Chowan Vann, William 1740 Chowan Varnum, Jacob 1716 Massachusetts Vaughan, John 1750 Northampton Vaughan, Vinson 1749 Northampton Veale, William 1760 New Hanover Vince, Humphrey 1739 Currituck Vince, Thomas 1721 Currituck Vincent, Stephen 1698 County Not Given Vines, Samuel 1741 Beaufort W Waad, Edward 1691 Chowan Wade, John 1750 Pasquotank Wade, Joseph 1757 Orange Wade, Mary 1736 Pasquotank Wahab, James 1774 Currituck Waide, Alice 1701 Chowan Waills, Joshua 1745 Currituck Wain, Thomas 1747 Craven Walbutten, Robert 1733 Bertie Waldron, Jacob 1765 New Hanover Walker, Henderson 1704 County Not Given Walker, Thomas 1753 Craven Wall, Joseph 1756 Beaufort Wall, Richard 1755 Northampton Wall, Sarah 1758 Edgecombe Wallace (Wallis), Thomas 1750 Chowan Wallace, Thomas 1747 Currituck Wallace, William 1775 Martin Waller, Thomas 1687 Albemarle Wallis, Andrew 1745 Craven Wallis, John 1751 Onslow Wallis, Stephen 1757 Craven Wallis, William 1749 Beaufort Walls, Joshua 1752 Currituck Walston, London 1728 Bath Walton, Thomas 1751 Chowan Waman, William 1721 Pasquotank Waman, William 1740 Pasquotank War, William 1756 Northampton Ward, Enoch 1750 Carteret Ward, John 1748 Chowan Ward, John 1750 Tyrrell Ward, Thomas 1751 Chowan Warming, Abraham no date Albemarle Warren, Henry 1717 Bath Warren, Robert 1759 Halifax Warren, Sarah 1730 Perquimans Warren, William 1723 County Not Given Warrin, Abraham 1740 Perquimans Waters, William 1754 Onslow Watkins, Thomas 1754 Perquimans Watkins, William 1773 Pitt Watson, John 1743 New Hanover Watson, John 1774 New Hanover Watters, Sarah 1756 New Hanover Waxdale, John 1734 Craven Waxdale, John 1739 Craven Weaver, John 1750 Chowan Weaver, William 1735 Bertie Webb, Anthony 1750 Bertie Webb, Henry 1759 Orange Webb, John 1749 Northampton Webb, Samuel 1754 Bertie Webster, Elisabeth 1754 Carteret Webster, John 1746 Carteret Webster, John 1774 Hyde Webster, William 1745 Hyde Weeks, Benjamin 1745 Carteret Welch, John 1730 Chowan Welch, Nathaniel 1735 Pasquotank Wells, William 1743 Onslow Wenham, Robert, Senr. 1735 County Not Given West, Arthur 1730 Bertie West, Charles 1748 Pasquotank West, Jonathan 1751 Pasquotank West, Peter 1751 Bertie West, Robert 1689 Chowan West, Thomas 1757 Bertie West, William 1735 Bertie West, William 1745 Beaufort West, William 1749 Edgecombe West, William 1750 Craven Weston, William 1748 Bertie Whaltone, Thomas 1719 Chowan Wharrey, Anthony 1718 Perquimans Whary, Joshua 1730 Perquimans Wheatley, John 1706/07 Chowan Wheatley, Samuel see Whetley Whedbee, George 1749 Pasquotank Whedbee, Richard 1746 Perquimans Wheedbee, Ann 1750 Pasquotank Wheller, Henry 1727 Bertie Whetley, Samuel 1740 Tyrrell Whidbe, George 1718 Pasquotank Whidbe, George 1723 Albemarle Whidbe, Richard 1740 Tyrrell White, Abraham 1746 Pasquotank White, Arnold 1690 County Not Given White, Arnold 1752 Perquimans White, George 1744 Craven White, George 1747 Chowan White, Henry 1739 Pasquotank White, Henry 1754 Currituck White, Henry 1706 Albemarle White, John 1690/91 Albemarle White, John 1726 Hyde White, John 1730 Perquimans White, John 1746 Carteret White, John 1754 Pasquotank White, Luke 1758 Currituck White, Media 1749 Bertie/Chowan White, Nehemiah 1751 Pasquotank White, Robert 1698 Albemarle White, Robert 1733 Pasquotank White, Roger 1686 Albemarle White, Sarah 1727 Hyde White, Thomas 1695 Albemarle White, Thomas 1754 Chowan White, Thomas 1757 Carteret White, William 1724 Chowan White, William 1755 Currituck White, William 1774 Cumberland Whitehead, Alice 1743 Craven Whitehouse, Samuel 1756 Carteret Whitehurst, Thomas 1766 County Not Given Whitlo, William 1759 Northampton Whitney, Joshua 1735 County Not Given Wiat, John 1739 Perquimans Wiat, Thomas 1735 Albemarle Wicker, Richard 1699/1700 Currituck Wickliffe, William 1754 Craven Wickstead, Pall 1738 New Hanover Wight, Henry 1670 Albemarle Wilcocks, John 1762 Craven Wilkeson, Philip 1758 Bladen Wilkins, Charles 1734 Chowan Wilkins, John 1774 Chowan Wilkison, William 1706 County Not Given Willcox, Jeremiah 1754 Pasquotank Williams, Anthony 1718 Chowan Williams, Anthony 1752 Duplin Williams, Arthur 1739 Bertie Williams, Edward 1739 Pasquotank Williams, Edward 1714 Chowan Williams, Elisha 1755 Edgecombe Williams, Elizabeth 1745 Perquimans Williams, George 1750 Northampton Williams, George 1759 Edgecombe Williams, James 1737 Bertie Williams, James 1770 Carteret Williams, Jesse 1773 Onslow Williams, Joannah 1756 Bertie Williams, John 1722 County Not Given Williams, John 1728 Albemarle Williams, John 1737 Edgecombe Williams, John 1758 Bertie Williams, Joseph 1693 Albemarle Williams, Joseph 1772 Perquimans Williams, Lewis 1717 Chowan Williams, Lodwick 1684 Albemarle Williams, Lott 1757 Onslow Williams, Moab 1752 Northampton Williams, Nathan 1758 Northampton Williams, Rowland 1754 Northampton Williams, Samuel 1736 Bertie Williams, Samuel 1748 Edgecombe Williams, Samuel 1751 Pasquotank Williams, Samuel 1754 Edgecombe Williams, Stephen 1767 Currituck Williams, Thomas 1753 Beaufort Williams, Thomas 1733 Currituck Williams, Thomas 1758 Beaufort Williams, William 1712 Chowan Williams, William 1724/25 Currituck Williams, William 1732 Chowan Williams, William 1760 Craven Williamson, John 1734 Onslow Williamson, Richard 1731 Carteret Willis, William 1742 Beaufort Willoughby, Thomas 1753 Pasquotank Willson, Elizabeth 1754 Perquimans Willson, Isaac 1714 Perquimans Willson, Isaac 1724 Perquimans Willson, Margaret 1706 Pasquotank Willson, Pattison 1746 Pasquotank Willson, Robert 1696 Perquimans Willson, Samuel 1759 Onslow Willson, Sarah 1754 Pasquotank Willson, William 1741 Tyrrell Willson, William 1745 Northampton Wilson, Caleb 1754 Currituck Wilson, Charles 1742 Beaufort Wilson, Isaac 1751 Perquimans Wilson, Joseph 1752 Perquimans Wilson, Robert 1758 Pasquotank Wilton, William 1773 Craven Wimberly, John 1749 Bertie Wimberly, Thomas 1732 Bertie Wimberly, Thomas 1752 Bertie Windley, Robert 1690 Albemarle Winfield, Richard 1733 Bath Wingate, Samuel 1770 New Hanover Winham, Robert 1753 Craven Winn, John 1739 Pasquotank Winright, James 1744 Carteret Winship, Joseph 1746 Currituck Winslow, John 1755 Perquimans Winslow, John, Junr. 1754 Perquimans Winslow, Joseph 1750 Perquimans Winslow, Thomas 1745 Perquimans Winslow, Thomas 1747 Perquimans Winslow, Timothy 1752 Perquimans Winterbottem, Joseph 1735 Bath Winwright, Ann 1751 Carteret Wolfenden, John 1691 Perquimans Wombwell, Benjamin 1750 Beaufort Wood, Edward 1738 Onslow Wood, James, Sr. 1752 Northampton Wood, John 1750 Johnston Wood, Moses 1757 Bertie Wood, Thomas 1740 Hyde Wood, Thomas 1752 Northampton Wood, William 1733 Pasquotank Woodard, John 1734 Bath Woodhouse, Henry 1751 Cirrituck Woodhouse, Horatio 1755 Onslow Woodley, Thomas 1753 Pasquotank Woodnot, Henry 1719 Chowan Woodrow, Alexander 1759 New Hanover Woodward, Samuel 1713 see Hollery, Samuel Woodward, Samuell 1752 Chowan Woolard, Richard 1707 County Not Given Woolward, William 1692 Albemarle Worden, James 1755 Chowan Workman, Arthur 1697 Dare Worley, John 1740 Tyrrell Worley, Lovick 1754 Tyrrell Worsley, John 1750 Beaufort Worsley, John 1760 County Not Given Worsley, Thomas 1737 Bath Worth, John 1743 Bladen Wotsford, Joseph 1739 Bertie Wright, Augustine 1742 Pasquotank Wright, John 1747 New Hanover Wright, Samuel 1718 Perquimans Wright, Samuel 1754 Perquimans Wynns, George 1751 Bertie Wynns, John 1753 Bertie Wynns, William 1758 Bertie Y Yeates, John 1746 Edgecombe Yeates, William 1752 Bertie Yeats, James 1750 Carteret Young, George 1698 County Not Given Z Zearge, Jacob 1732 Craven Zimmerman, Jno. 1722 Craven Secretary of State Wills To obtain wills write to: Search Room, NC Division of Archives and History 109 E. Jones St Raleigh, NC 27601-2807 You may fax your inquiries to: (919) 733-1354 or e-mail them to If you have any questions concerning the nature of your request and whether it is something the State Archives can answer please call (919) 807-7310. Online FORM for queries to Search room: OR: Send a self-addressed stamped envelope, your one question, a check for $8.00 (search fee). In return mail, you will be advised of the number of pages in the estate folder and the cost to produce copies. OTHER NC WILLS: Jesse Cotton 1802 Elias (1763) & Josiah (1772) Stallings John Collins - 1749-52 Joseph Collins - 1799 Thomas Mason 1806-7
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